Kai Havertz (29)

19 goal contributions in 29 starts in the league.


If you take away 5 or so games due to bedding in, they are some great numbers. If he is regularly getting into 20+ territory, you have to start considering the idea that the fee was actually worth it. These days, there are plenty of guys going for figures in that 40m region and producing nothing close to 20 G/A.

I think another scoring wide forward should be our focus for next window, and maybe a punt on a young striker. The market is so dire for strikers and itā€™s pretty difficult to justify arguing that Kai shouldnā€™t be first choice up front.


Yeah the bedding in period is a critical part of the conversation. If he was as comfortable as he is now throughout the season, we would have won few more points.

Excellent acquisition all things considered and certainly proved all Arsenal & rival fans wrong in how impactful he turned out to be.

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All in all itā€™s been a very successful piece of business.

Iā€™m definitely in agreement that a new wide forward is a bigger priority than a striker thatā€™s for sure.


Bang for buck there is afar more out wide.

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Serious dearth of quality strikers available right now.

The market looks really bad on that front. Outside of Haaland itā€™s hard to think of an exciting striking prospect thatā€™s done the business in the last few years. Too many question marks over most of them.

There is no urgent need for a centre forward in this squad, but if finances permit, we should get a young centre forward who can be groomed for 2-3 seasons to be our starting choice.

We can live with Havertz, Jesus, Trossard in the meantime.

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Vlahovic is the answer.

Ability :white_check_mark:
Age profile :white_check_mark:
Price range :white_check_mark:
Potential to improve :white_check_mark:
Doesnā€™t command immediate starting role :white_check_mark:
Lanky streak of piss like Havertz :white_check_mark:



Pretty sure if we end up spending Ā£60-Ā£80m on him and heā€™s coming from Juventus he would expect to start.

I think heā€™s on the perfect cusp of good enough to start but not elite enough yet to demand it from the off.

Havertz is the proven starter on this season. Having Jesus and vlahovic trying to earn that spot off him would be great.

Would allow us more rotation rather than just ā€˜run the in form guy into the groundā€™.


I would love to see Vlahovic in the PL. I think heā€™d smash it here.

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Although the caveat is heā€™s proven everyone wrong as a striker. Definitely not as a midfielder. And he was clearly earmarked for the midfield position initially. Shown a lot of quality as a CF.

If those 50m rumours are true, we should be slapping that down in front of Juve ASAP. Perfect option in terms of what he provides and we currently have enough in our sqaud to play the false 9/creator type striker role with Havertz/Jesus/Trossard all more than capable at that.

The only hitch is Juve will want more than we will pay for a banchwarmer

Been calling for us to sign Vlahovic since we were linked with him all them windows ago

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His use of us to get a transfer to Juventus left a bitter taste a few years ago. But quite satisfying to think we would be the step up from them now.

It wasnā€™t even just that. Have to add that he was being played in a position that doesnā€™t suit him at all.

Either he plays as that false nine, or he should sit on the bench.

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He had some good games in midfield as well.

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Striker market is dog. Get a winger/wide attacker and a CM, and we are cooking.


Based on what weā€™ve seen/production so far? Nah, Its been great since he moved to CF but weā€™ll see it looks looks over the next coming seasons.

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