Jakub Kiwior (15)

An excellent 45+ minutes from him. Totally shut down everything on that left hand side.



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Have to admit that he was very solid when he came on. Should have scored too! although still donā€™t understand how he ended up in the box!


I hope he can continue contributing otherwise what was the point of signing him.

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If everyone was healthy, donā€™t think he was here to cover LB position.

Kiwior has always struck me as being an extremely introverted character on and off the pitch, so this could be an interesting development.

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Donā€™t think thatā€™s how developing leadership skills work but A for effort.

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Well once Arteta played Liverpoolā€™s crowd music in training do nothing surprises me lol

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Kudus got the better of hin one too many times for my liking. I was a bit worried with his positioning on crosses from our right.

Not sure if he needs more games under him to get going or he just canā€™t play that CB/LB hybrid role.

I thought he was pretty good tbh. Itā€™s clear heā€™s a CB as opposed to a hybrid but he does a lot of good defensively and actually looked decent with the ball.


Thought Kiwior was decent. Kudus has shredded many a full back this year - Kiwior wasnā€™t another.

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Heā€™s so much better when he plays as a more tradition LB with the occasional overlap. No inverting for him.


I thought he kept Kudus quiet to be fair. Kiwior could have got an assist as well.

I think itā€™s good to see Arteta adapting to Kiwiorā€™s strength - he seems much more comfortable now.

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His best performance here at LB, might be his best period.

Looks like heā€™s finally getting used to defending from outside like that.


Still quite unconvincing in the role, but he deserves credit because if he were playing poorly, the knives would be out.

Martinelli firing with Kiwior behind him cannot be coincidence.

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Itā€™s his position to lose imho.

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Agree. Him and Trossard are starters now. The two City sick notes need to fight for their positions back.




Iā€™ve not missed those random Zinchenko brain farts.


He is pretty shite going forward but ofc much better defensively than Zinchenkz. Also it makes us more Stoke Cityesque on deadballs which i like. Gabriel, Saliba, Kiwior, White, Rice, Havertz in the box on corners. RIP opposition.