
love it mate but you look really upset not gonna lie

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That’s just my resting selfie face :mustafi:

It’s not too bad. I was mostly fed up of it flopping in my face and then having to put product in it for that.

The savings in haircuts and poncy shampoo will be profound.


Sorry you have such a cunt as a colleague.

Fox spent the last two months saying this was a hoax. I’m not surprised that people believed them, and that the message resonated beyond when they did their 180.

When you look at the demographics of their viewers, you’d think they would err on the side of caution.

Welcome to the club :slight_smile:

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I might join you soon lol

Make sure you post a picture too. Just without the T-shirt :sweat_smile:

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He’s actually a nice guy just gets all anxious about weird rightwing political talking points.

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When this is all over, the UK is going to see a blowout the likes of which has never been seen before. Will be carnage that first night. Pubs and bars are going to sell basically every drop of what they have in stock. Hospitals and police will be under instant pressure from all the drunk and disorderly cunts everywhere


Let’s do an OA one. I vote we do karaoke!

What I don’t get tho is how can it go if there isn’t a vaccine is it just gonna go away magically in July for example?

I’ll just be looking forward to my freedom you are basically finding out what it would be like to be in prison without the bad bits

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you literally look like you are going to start crying!

Well SARS went away without a vaccine.
What these measures are doing is reducing the workload on healthcare system so they can manage the patients and get them treated.
If all the patients are treated in isolation without new patients popping in, the virus will hopefully be dealt with the immune system of the patients and it doesn’t spread anymore.

It will also create a huge portion of individuals who have recovered & hopefully gained immunity for future infection.
This is add to the herd immunity.

Doesn’t mean there is no chance of another outbreak.


I have a bad feeling we’ll all go back to normal then in the winter we have to do all this shit again.


It’s grown back straight away

I think this could happen too, but next time it’ll seem different as we’ll be more prepared for it medically and more acclimatised to it as a society.

I think by the time the death toll ticks over into five figures the gravity of the situation will have sunk in for everyone, whereas right now it clearly hasn’t. Maybe stringent lockdowns can be avoided next time

I still don’t get how the severity of this situation hasn’t sunken in with people yet. The whole world is on effing hold right now.

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Go be doom and gloom in the Corona thread guys. This is the ‘happy’ thread!


Told someone I intended to shave my head today and they asked why. I said a good man on a football forum inspired me and she sent me this an hour later…

So now I’m almost certainly gonna join you.


Hahahaha god damn it now I want to as well

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