Investments (Stonks)

If Tesla cools off to about 200 I’ll join you guys :wink:

Need this to replicate:

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Yeah I am expecting a dip, it just kept climbing from 108 all the way to 202 yesterday :sweat_smile: in a month’s time

Waiting for some correction to load up more for my retirement fund :sweat_smile:

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This juggernaut just doesn’t stop climbing for Fuck’s sake :joy:

Almost doubling now…

Can’t stop watching it :rofl::person_facepalming:

Tesla, Nvidia and AbbVie all doing me solid today :smile:

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Haha fuck sake all the hype investors jumping on it and day traders sitting there laughing all the way to the bank.

212 now fml.


what goes up…must come down. Every time a stock does this there is pain afterwards, be careful folks.

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I mean Tesla at 212 is gonna be a recoverable long term hold but there will be some disappointed mugs on Reddit buying this because it’s running. They’ll be sad when it closes at 207 :grin:

Few days of bleeding incoming surely.

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I wouldn’t advise to jump in now to anyone as it’s logical it should correct at some stage. A 90%+ increase in 4 weeks is just insane.

Unless you are prepared to see it drop a bit and buy for the long term (5-10years). Don’t buy it right now


Looks like it’s levelling at around $211

Crazy. I bought when it was $174, contemplating on selling then buying the dip again.

What you think senseis

The stock I’m all in on (don’t hate me guys) is Man United. Cos of the looming takeover I think that will jump

Do you have a set point at which you’ll cash out? Either a set point based on time (ie when you’re a certain age) or share price?

I guess it isn’t a simple question to answer, as so much will depend on the context, but I’m just curious as a total layman when it comes to investing. Do you see there being a share price that you will consider to be Tesla’s ceiling, at which point you’ll sell? Is your plan to sell when/if other car manufacturers catch up to Tesla?

Asking all this sincerely, I know nothing about investing really and am curious about it. It’s partly why I took exception this morning to the idea that I’d made any predictions about Tesla and whether it would have been a good investment in ten year’s time, because I wouldn’t have a fucking clue, knowing next to nothing about either investing or the car industry lol. I was racking my brains to think of whether I’d made a comment in jest or to get a reaction from you that had appeared to be a serious prediction lol.

It indeed depends on the situation at a given time. It could be either a moment in time where I do think Tesla has run its course or it will be at an age where I need the money to actually live as a retiree. But that’s quite some time into the future. I have no idea what other assets I might own at that time (besides my house).

If I don’t need to the money I might cash out a part, reinvest or help my daughter in any way. When I and my partner die, she will inherit everything anyway.

I actually don’t know exactly when and what will happen. Much will depend on what Tesla and other stocks I have will do.

If I see other opportunity that make more sense I might shift some funds.

One thing I generally don’t do is day trade. I am just not smart enough for that and I know too many people burn themselves. Safest bet for me is put money and keep buying small bits here and there when I can. Accumulate shares thst way and let the trend do the rest.

So far it’s working out rather well (and much better than any short term day trading).

The idea is that by putting in money - consistently - over the long term. That you’re compounding, it is getting exponentially more and more worth as time and money do its thing.

Normally it’s adviced to invest in safer ETFs which are a bundle of different shares, so when one goes down, others go up and still give you a positive increase Year over Year.

But I’m a bit of a cowboy sometimes and went all in on Tesla. As we go I’ll see how far I’ll go with that train. For now I don’t see incentive to pull out anytime soon :sweat_smile:


Yeah agreed.

S&P500 ETF is what I’m gonna go.

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Tesla with tiny amount of correction today, dipped back under the $200 mark.

Time to make a small investment

Probably will go down further but I said around 200

Was bound to happen, kinda happy about it as I don’t like to buy when it just keeps increasing. Hope it pulls back a little more and then I load up again.

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Imagine the stock falls 66% and some big brainiac managing millions in funds is still deciding to short it at its lowest. Deserve to lose all its money.

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Hope you jumped in at 200 as you said @Starboy

It’s up 7/8% today at 209 :champagne:

Actually I didn’t lol, transferred the money but it takes a while to land and been so busy this week I forgot.

Will see 200 again I’m sure.

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@Electrifying you bought some right?