Investments (Stonks)

They screwed their rep with the GameStop trading stop. Although to my understanding most exchanges had to halt trading for GameStop as there was a liquidity issue due to GameStop short squeeze.

Robinhood got the heat because it’s the meme exchange of Reddit”traders”.


Yeh my main concern is that they are dropping now to perhaps their fair value but there isn’t a day that goes by where people aren’t talking about them so I wouldn’t mind owning a little to see what may come up.

You have a few potential catalysts for an increase, crypto booms, meme stock nonsense and deep down from what I’ve read I don’t think they are as terrible as WSB’s makes out, they’ll alway take flak from them but it’s free publicity. HOOD are in a bit of no-mans land right now though they need to innovate quickly or they’ll lose their place in the market. People love them for crypto, especially meme crypto, they really need a way for people who don’t use the likes of coinbase to be able to buy their coins on HOOD and then release them to their wallets, right now like ETORO and a few others they stay on the app, they have said this is coming but they seem to be dragging their heals. Add SHIB and wallet transfer capabilities and that stops the bleed out imo.


Do you guys think we’ll see another flurry of volatility again in January/February next year or do you think that was solely linked to GME pumping?

It will always come at some point, retail investors love the idea of investing but hate the actual daily grind of research and following trends. All it takes is one big catalyst and they’ll be lining up to spend their money, it’s happening right now with SHIB.

Not sure if that catalyst will be memestocks or WSB’s but I’ve been keeping it in the back of my mind, anything that has good fundamentals with the potential of popular mainstream appeal I think about buying a small bag off between 100-500$, momentum trades seem just part of the market these days and if I can get out while retail is buying in then it’s a fun way to slowly increase equity while keeping my finger on the pulse of the market.

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I would advise against investing in shib now. Two reasons: a) it’s truly a nonsense coin and b) after such a parabolic run you just know sooner rather than later there is going to be a massive sell off.

And I have some shiba inu, stepped in around 000026 and of course you can always gamble on it going even higher and cash out fast, but that’s gambling, not investing.

Just don’t want any OA’er to get burnt.

Better put a 100 in some new shit coin and hope it does what Shiba did


People investing big into SHIB right now really need to learn about market caps. I’m over 1100% up on it and haven’t wanted to invest more once during this period. I only have a very small amount in it anyway so I have no problem just forgetting about. Maybe some day years from now it will be with .001 but more likely it will just go back to what I paid for it or disappear.

But it’s hard to know with crypto it’s such a funny game, breaking into the top 10 was no small feat, and it’s tech is narrowly better than doge’s which is completely trash tier, I’ll probably hold my small pouch for ever and see where I stand, that’s the joy of a great entry point, really alleviates risk and makes it so much easier to hold.

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Yeah, such new coins are fun to play with and put in a little change and see what happens.

That guy that put in 1000 or so at the start of the coin, is worth now billions, but with a big caveat. He will never be able to sell all his coins and cash out those billions, because there isn’t enough liquidity. It would be a market sell order and the returns would be less (still gigantic, but less anyhow). His best bet is to sell in increments. But, that guy alone can move the price down easily if he decides to market sell.

I like to play around, read: gamble, with small cap coins and small money. Serious money (1000+ I only put in shit I actually believe in, which is Tesla for stonks and BTC, Dot, Link, Solana and ADA for noncedollars.


I hold a lot of ADA at the moment and a little LINK, when the market drops significantly I’m going to go in on ALGO and DOT- I remember you mentioning DOT a while back, I really like the look of both those projects, market is too sky high at the moment to think about accumulating though.

r/cc asking the real questions, genuinely think I would yolo on a cat meme coin and live the rest of my days impoverished.


I got a cool grand to catch the usual Friday market dip. Any stock suggestions?

Also, does anyone believe the media narrative around the recent shortages (semiconductor, lumber, petrol, realestate, aluminum, etc.)? I’m a bit dubious on the media framing but that’s typical of my overall skeptical attitude.


Very accurate

My favourite part is that r/cryptocurrency constantly bemoan doge and shib, which is fair enough they are trash coins and really the only thing they offer is an introduction for people to crypto but they constantly are going on about their MOONS, a coin they get from farming fucking karma, like everything on that dumbshit platform it’s double standards.


My entire portfolio in the green today

Guess you weren’t invested in that SQUID game coin lolz, biggest rug pull I’ve ever seen.

2800$ to .0002something in like 5 minutes.


I am glad I have no idea what this is :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yikes. In the sequel maybe we discover that’s how they generate the prize fund.


Friend of mine suggested I invest in HIVE.

Bought in at $3 a month ago and now fluctuating between $3.70 and $4.

Canadian blockchain tech company.

This does not constitute professional investment advice, I am not an in investment professional…

That’s actually a bloomin’ awesome little storyline :clap::joy:

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