Investments (Stonks)

Just hold boys - never panic sell at a loss

when the entire market is down, the entire market goes back up too, eventually :kissing_heart:

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Gonna 🪨 :facepunch:t2: this to $1 and then :gem: :raised_hand: back up to $100 :ok_hand:t2:


Made a tidy profit on my AMC shares, that I bought for a meme :arteta:

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I knew I should have shaved off some of my higher points but fuck it. Hopefully it’s just a small dip but honestly it’s such a predictable stock these days.

You know anything about SOFI?

Don’t complain about PLTR falling, seeing 16$ again would be fantastic. Just make sure you have money ready in case it happens.

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It’s always falling lol, honestly don’t know how people aren’t over stocked on it by this point. I can think of about 7 different great entry points in the last 3-4 months. Though there was buying value everywhere from about March on. Wish I had followed my gut on Virgin Galatic.

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Well my friend bought in at 53 about 4 months ago so there’s that :joy:

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I was wanting to buy at 16 or 17 or something stupidly low but was overextended as it was at the time. Though I’ll never understand people buying at recent ATH’s, I mean I love the ape like cojones but look at a motherfucking graph for ten Godamn seconds to see resistances lines and peaks and troughs.

Like most things analytics can be over stated but they’re a handy tool for like the simplest form of DD.

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I only want any more I can get below 20$, will continually stock up at those prices. Shame when it hit 16$ I’d just put a bunch of spare cash in BITF preparing for nasdaq listing.


I am holding it and in the minus with it at the moment. Had it since it was Chamath’s spac

Needs to be back at 20 for me to break even

If it drops to 15 I have a buy order ready to cost average down

What are your thoughts, obviously small companies bring risk but I think if it does to 14 I may buy in.

Ah fair play we are thinking similar things. Looks like one to watch for sure.


Well at 14 I am buying in more as well

I think it’s a solid project

Since everything is down I assume everything will go up as well eventually so I am not fuzzed

Stocking up where possible


Yeh I’m in s very anti fomo mood at the moment, I’d like to get in on Sofi and a few other company’s but if they don’t drop too where I’m comfortable then I’ll simply move on. Always another shitty day around the corner with a better opportunity to buy.

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What’s SOFI?

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Totally, I am also on the sidelines and if the dip is good enough ready to pounce and grab some more shares.


I am actually eyeing Astra (astr)

@Castiel @Cristo did you guys hear about it?

No can’t say I’ve heard of Astra either - what do they do?

I was following it before it recently popped. Needless to say I am sad I didn’t enter before it popped. Now waiting what its next movements are before I might enter a position


I recently bought a pretty aggressive ETF which tracks the DAX indicies and leverages the gains by x3. Bought in last week and averaged it down the next day as it was hugely volatile.

Just logged in this morning to find myself a tidy 6% in the space of 3 working days for doing literally fuck all.

I know I sound like a broken record here but I hugely urge those who do not have the time to research stocks to at least put some cash into global market indices. Such an easy win over a long period of time.