Investments (Stonks)

Yeah, that’s quite a substantial floor. Considering I bought in at $40 though I’m still at a huge huge profit at 250

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Yeah fair, I guess it would be annoying if it dipped to 299 and then rebounded

Stop losses not allowed on gme on HL… nice one

Also @Gio pretty sure that stop loss orders don’t trigger after hours, so if the share price collapses in post/pre market you’re SOL

Ahh shit yeah, only on UK shares

Tbh I’m furloughed except weekends anyway so I can keep an eye on it at the crucial times, all good.

Yeah but what I’m saying is, for example, that if all the institutional investors decide to bail at 1am our time, the share price will collapse and you won’t be able to sell.

At one point there were 100% swings in the post/pre market hours of trading. Just an FYI.

This is why you absolutely can’t listen to me. I’d feel bad if you sold basically because I’m a pussy and would have sold, and then it skyrockets haha

Only up to a point though, because I already told you not to listen to me, so it would totally be your fault if you did sell lol


Well for sure, but that’s out of my hands either way in my position isn’t it? Is a stop loss allowed on this on other platforms?

@JakeyBoy the way I see it is the money I put in was basically a months wage. So sure, I have got so much more than that on my hands right now, but at worst, I’ve just put my life back by a month (when I’m barely doing anything anyway).

Only bad thing about HL is their prices are totally delayed and you rarely if ever get true value, regardless of fees etc.

Actual market: almost 350, HL: 330

IG allows stop losses on foreign shares, but stop losses don’t trigger out of hours.

What I’m saying is, it might be smart to sell some at like $330 or whatever it’s at before end of play, because if the big boys decide to take the profits after hours it could dump from $330 to $150 overnight and then it’ll just collapse.

But I guess you got in so low you can afford the risk, but selling 50% now and just letting the other 50% do whatever may not be the worst shout.

Take it from me, I was up £1,000 on CCIV on a £1,000 investment a couple weeks ago and then I got greedy and ended up selling at a £250 loss lol


Yeah, thats a valid way of thinking, one I totally get. Its on a smaller scale, but when I’m massively up gambling I won’t immediately cash out all my profit, I’m quite happy to take a risk and remember that all I put in was 20 quid at the beginning, and that thats all I’m losing which is fine.

Ita not a perfect comparison, but in that situation I have a similar mindset to yours here.

Depends on how you wanna view it though. For me, in my situation as a man who needs a new kitchen and is getting married, I would see a few thousand profit made off a fucking meme and have to grab it quickly :joy:

When its thousands of pounds, in my situation I’m taking that allllll day, I can’t adopt the mentality I do when its my sky bet account and we’re talking about me risking a hundred odd quid after flipping my initial twenty quid. A couple years ago I’d have been very reluctant to sell at this point out of FOMO, like I think you are.

Fuck it, if you haven’t got anything you need a few thousand for, keep on riding the wave brother :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Oh actually when I go to deal, it offers current pricing, so that’s alright.

Apologies if I’m pissing anyone off with my
Blasé attitude and not cashing out, this isn’t bragging or I hope it doesn’t come across that way, I’m just excited by the current situation.

@JakeyBoy completely understood. I’m in a bit of a limbo in life right now so not really anything concrete to commit to. The difference between a few thousand and a few hundred over the course of the next year doesn’t have much impact on me, but imagine it goes sky high, I’ll be kicking myself even more than if it bottoms out and I didn’t sell until it was crashing hard.

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Hahaha nah, you’re not pissing anyone off. We just don’t want you to get burnt, you’ve already gotten luckier than most people will ever get on an investment.

Now if I’m not totally wrong, I’m gonna assume you’re up about £10,000 - 12,000 on GME.

What you’ve gotta ask yourself is this - is £12,000 in hand more valuable to you than £15,000 paper losses?

Otherwise, just take out £5,000 and then let the other £5,000 ride the rocket to the moon. At worst you’re still £5,000 better off.

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Change the £ to $ and you’re closer, but I guess not far off. You’re absolutely right, good ideas.

Fair got my figures a bit off, but fair play. I mean well fucking done.

You do you though, at the end of the day you’re the one that has to live with your decision and if you know that you would be more angry at yourself at missing out on extra profit than taking the potential loss then I get it.


Yep, this was me a few years ago, totally how I’d have thought about this situation.

And yeah, I don’t think you’re pissing anyone off, you’re clearly having a whale of a time, I love to see it haha

Fingers crossed for ya

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Appreciate it thanks, beers on me for everyone here if it goes through the roof :joy:

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OK, Jesus, this is actually more money than I thought it was. I was thinking its just a few thousand, like 2 or 3 hahaha

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It hit a high high of mid 340s now crashing comfortably :joy:

Sell that shit up at a decent profit, don’t let all those other GME mongs influence you and then forget about GME, make your money and leave, don’t even ever check it ever again :rofl:

Well done though for sticking into it though mate :+1: