Health and Fitness

I never get asked on dates by strangers. With my exes or even friends I just go to the pub with. Him or something as friends. But yeah a guy has never taken me on a date.

This is exactly how it was this morning here. Went for an 85 Km ride with the wife, the longest we have done yet. Enjoyed it.

The only problem with long rides like this for city dwellers is that by the time you get back, the whole city is up and about and the roads because a hazardous place for cyclists.

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Nice. That’s gotta be 3 hours + on the saddle right?

I end up without a bum if i stay that long on saddle

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Yeah, 3.5 hours.

Not too bad for me even though I have a flat butt. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Excuse the @Cristo style photo

But yeah it’s handy when stuck in iso


Dude has a sweet home and home gym to go along with it and still never smiles


His country is a prison though


OK, so did a Bounce class and now I want to die.

Thought maybe my running fitness would see me through. But not quite. It is basically a form of torture.


Is it like Zumba class? Pre-Covid my ma would hit those up. They are no joke.

It’s dance cardio on a trampoline. For a WHOLE HOUR


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Sounds good for the core although legs may feel like jelly after.

60 degrees here today!!!

Broke out the high split shorts for a 5 miler.

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How quickly, Josh? You’re gonna make my eyes water :sob:

I’ve been doing spin an awful lot lately (like 3 times a week). Going to return to road runs in warmer climes

I came home and collapsed right after. :laughing:


'Kin 'ell!

Just over 6 minutes a mile.

Even if I extrapolate my best 5k time, I ain’t doing 5 miles in 32 minutes lol.

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I highly recommend starting your runs going uphill. That way it looks like you’re running negative splits (and you are) but you’re actually just casually coasting down the hill the last mile, not like working hard.

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I get what you mean.

I’ve got to pick my course wisely. (Parkrun starts downhill)

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10mg daily to help with pumps in the gym, increasing testosterone and also helping with blood flow to muscles.

Has good effects on blood pressure too as it goes which is always a bonus.


And THAT muscle too :smirk: