Health and Fitness

Quite a few Park Runs called off today. Good excuse to stay in bed :sweat_smile:

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Called off for wind? I thought Brits were tough.

Think it’s about damage to some of the routes as well. I know one near me has fallen trees across a couple of the paths.

Ah that’s legit.

No real damage done by the storm where I am thankfully. Just in from a 14km run as I build back up to being able to do a half. Best I’ve felt after a run In a while actually.

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There was a storm? No problems in good old Brum :poldi:

Started a very low carb diet this week. Already feeling much more energised 4 days in. Endomorphs and carbs don’t mix :crazy_face:


Whenever I cut carbs I have to keep fats high otherwise my energy plummets really quickly.

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I usually feel sleepy for the first two days due to the lack of carbs then my body adjusts.

Whether it goes into ketosis or not is unknown unless you test for it, but I dont think I am. You basically have to consume under 20g of carbs for ketosis which is tough.

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What kind of stuff you eating atm @Midfield_Maestro ?

I’m starting 3 weeks of re-sensitising before I start prep for a photoshoot…

You’re an animal lol.

I’ll have Oats or weetabix for breaky to maintain an intake of fibre. Lunch varies but if I’m WFH I’ve got these lunch pots from Musclefood, all various ‘dishes’ from cajun beef to fajita chicken, usually around 15-20g in carbs and 30g ish in protein.

Dinner consists of no carbs and varies between steaks, fish, beef, chicken and always with Salad.
I’m on a hard cut so consuming around 1800 cals a day atm. Maybe less on non training days. I did start to note down calorie intake throughout the day but haven given that up as I cba. I’m at a stage now where I can gauge it mentally.

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1800 cals? Monster stuff lol. It’s going to get brutal real soon but the harder it gets the better the results most of the time lol. How long you cutting for bro?

Probably till I go Turkey in June lmao

RIP your sex drive and ability to have coherent conversations lmao

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Knew I was right not to get into all this stuff

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No lie when you reach a certain level of being lean you can’t even think straight lol

I’ve been so lean before and didn’t have an ounce of interest in sex, I hated having conversations with people and I couldn’t sleep for longer than about 2 hours uninterrupted at night.

I like having abs but I can’t handle doing a full-on diet for a proper cut. I try to eat relatively clean, chicken, broccoli, rice etc and I’m lucky with genetics so as long as I’m training 3-4 times a week I can stay pretty lean.

I tried Keto a few years back and hated not even being able to have a biscuit lol

I’m not sure of the scientific side of it, but I find if I don’t eat too much until later in the day (12-1pm at the earliest) and mainly just drink water or some tea then that tends to work pretty well. I’m also lucky I don’t have a huge appetite like many of my friends lol


Just had a major health scare. Doc thought I had a blood clot. Time for me to take my health seriously


Shit dude.

Take care of yourself. That aint good for a young man


Please do. Let it sink in and make a plan that suits you. You got a lot to give mate. Give yourself every chance. You got this. Good luck.