Health and Fitness

In the US I bet that stuff is easy to find over the counter.

If not there, then Mexico or another country line India or Pakistan where the tablets are made.

If you want it, it’s easy to find.

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the hearts job is just to perfuse the tissues with blood, oxygen and energy that it needs.

Muscle requires a lot, especially when you’re moving and exercising. Certainly more than fat, which is just an energy store

And the more muscle you have, the more blood it needs.

Now you usually have a set level of blood, around 5 Litres, so if you need more oxygen and energy you need the heart to then pump the blood faster and harder to where it’s needed.

Then, with the volume of muscle and exercise these bodybuilders do, combined with the risks steroids have to heart disease, AND the diuretics (which then lower the amount of fluid, and therefore blood to an extent the body has to pump around) it’s a dangerous combo.

The heart can’t keep up, starts to fail and you get awful flabby hearts that are just completely burnt out and can’t pump well at all, causing heart failure, heart attacks as the heart muscle itself doesn’t get enough blood and you have these early bodybuilder deaths.


That’s very interesting man actually appreciate learning about the science of it. Sounds even scarier when you lay it down academically like this.



Just to add a positive example…

Look at Thor Bjornsson. He lost about 50 kg in about six months or so… I think he saved his life with that, and he’s aware of it.

He was barely able to speak when he was on his peak strongman weight (around 200 kg). Although still huge, he looks like a fitness model now compared to his old physique. And doesn’t get out of air after speaking two words :+1:


Fantastic post. This is what I’ve long tried to get people to understand. Don’t get me wrong, I love bodybuilding but it’s the unhealthiest “sport” imaginable. There’s nothing healthy about being 130-140kg, nothing healthy about having to cycle testosterone all year round whilst also running harsh compounds that are neurotoxic like tren. And then also having to throw 3-4 other compounds, use oral steroids, human growth hormone, insulin and other peptides.

Then eating in a caloric deficit and putting your body through rigorous training and cardio regimes whilst also depleting it of necessary nutrients for months on end in order to obtain a body fat percentage that is in itself dangerous.

I could post a bodybuilder drug cycle on here and it’s astonishing how many compounds they use. We’ve got human studies on trenbolone ran at a maximum of 150mg per week yet you’ve got bodybuilders using the most neurotoxic steroid there is at 4/5/6 times that dosage with no real known idea of what the long term ramifications of it will be.

They somehow convince themselves that coming off for a month at a time and getting a blood panel done that comes back OK is enough to ensure they’re ready to blast again.

The truth is, I’ve worked mighty hard to build a good natural physique and it’s taken me years to get there and I’m also blessed with pretty good genetics, muscle insertions and all round structure.

I know there will be a time I eventually cross over to the dark side and that’ll probably be next year when I compete but I’ll be safe in the knowledge that I would do so under the watchful eye of a UK coach who promotes a safer use mode of low doses, no dangerous ancillary drugs and the use of other drugs to ensure that important health markers are always in a good place.

It’s quite sad that sheer numbers of regular gym users that take steroids for aesthetic reasons not knowing that once you’ve done it for long enough, you’ll probably never recover your bodies normal hormone levels again. It’s a potential lifelong choice you make once you begin


Saw this and thought of you guys. That kind of stuff definitely appealed to me when I was lifting but as I got more into running being super duper lean was the name of the game. Hope everyone is being safe.


Doesn’t surprise me. America is behind in putting the health of their athletes first. Just look at the battle with concussions in the NFL. The NFL as an organisation doesn’t care and the government won’t step in. Sure they made some changes, but nowhere near enough.

I never understood bodybuilding or why anyone would pump up full of harmful drugs. For me, I don’t see the point of excess muscle. Most bodybuilders look like they can’t even walk comfortably. Functional strength and health is far more important. But then again, I don’t get any competition that focuses on physique.

I’ve always disliked how bodybuilders and physique competitors call themselves ‘athletes’. Basically all of the training done in preparation has zero functional use on ‘game-day’.


It’s a beauty pageant no matter how bodybuilders dress it up


Shaved 2 seconds off my PB for a 5k parkrun yesterday.

Now on 21.35


I’ve been swimming 3 days a week again and love it. Never took lessons or competed growing up and have really improved my freestyle via videos. Took a 7 week class to learn proper breaststroke and really love it now, but struggle to do more than 50m. I’ve been thinking about joining the local Masters club to improve and possibly compete, but it seems quite demanding. I want to have fun and just compete for me. I like doing something new. Anyone with experience if master swimming? Would love to hear what your club was like.

That said, I’ve been wanting to get back into BJJ. But of course the class conflict with swim training. If could just train 2 out of the 3 evenings for swimming that would be perfect. I just like doing various sports. Always have. I miss the days of being able to participate in multiple sports at once or having seasons like when I was in school (US schools have seasons for their sports). Decisions to be made.

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Picked up cycling as an exercise sometime in May this year. Was into Tennis for a many years before that but a combination of multiple niggles in my back and feet, my regular partner moving to a different tennis club and then Covid put an end to that.

We (the wife and I, cycling was her idea) bought a couple of hybrids (Trek Dual Sport 2) as we weren’t sure road bikes were for us (we both are on the heavier side :smiley:). Started off doing 10 - 15 Kms a day, then bumped it up to doing 25 Kms in just over an hour and am now doing 40 Kms a day (27 Kmph) 5 days a week.

Love doing it because no matter what niggles I have, or where I have them, it doesn’t seem to hamper me. I only started recording the rides in an app on my phone around 3 months back and in that time, have done around 1800 Kms. Longest ride done so far is around 75 Kms, looking to up that to a 100 Kms.

I know @shamrockgooner, @Mysty and @Gladiator were/are into cycling. Anyone else?


Nice one mate, 40k a day is no joke. :slight_smile:


Thanks!! I go 5 days a week at the minimum, sometimes 6.
Had a fall a couple of days back so out of action for now but should be back on the saddle in a few days.

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That’s unreal mate.

I wish I could do that much.

I’ve found a new love, going for a run when it’s 27 degrees, 70 % humidity and it starts pouring with rain and a thunderstorm.

So refreshing.

Man that’s real specific conditions for a run :slight_smile:.


I need specific conditions for a run. Well, for motivation for a run anyway. Freezing cold, no. Hot, no. Cloudy and about 17 degrees is ideal.

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Cloudy and 17 degrees is what we call Winter in our part of the world :arteta:

Okay, it’s not always cloudy but it’s misty. And yes, it’s perfect for riding as well. Did a 75 Km ride last weekend in similar conditions. Am enjoying these conditions as long as they last cause come March, it’ll start getting warmer and by April, it will be hot, like 25 degrees at 5 in the morning hot.


I went out this morning for a run and it was –2 degrees. If I hadn’t arranged to meet someone I would have just stayed in bed.

Where are you from?