Health and Fitness

No I don’t fancy that kind of intensity to be honest. A fast 5/10k and then two to three days rest is more my style :grin:

Who’s going straight into the gym om Saturday then?


Catch me at Bodyworks Gym in Tottenham on Saturday, Genesis in Wembley on Sunday and then Zone gym in Wood Green on Monday.

I’m basically hitting my favourite gyms in consecutive days just because I miss them all lol


No thanks. Happy to continue with bodyweight exercises. I have started using the outside equipment in parks again. Need to get my pull-ups back. Using a band right now and going until failure. But happy to continue with my 5-6 day a week workout outside. I’m alternating a 30 minute run (which I finally nailed 5k today in my 3rd week back after the lockdown hiatus) and Tabata/HIIT (bodyweight). Would love to get some battle ropes and rings to take to the park.


Gym crawl lol

I’m hitting Monster Gym in Cheshunt on Sat. They’ve revamped all their equipment and given the whole place a deep clean as shown on their Instagram. They still haven’t informed of any booking procedures though, nor has the other gym I’m signed up too.

Genuinely wonder how its gonna work. Will they just turn you away at the door if its too busy :man_shrugging:


I think I might look at dropping into the new Crossfit box in the area that is opening in August. Want to see the space and what they have in place. But what I’d love to get back into isn’t an options, at least not completely. I miss martial arts. Really enjoyed BJJ until I got pregnant. I think I might look for a Kung Fu or something similar nearby that may do non-contact instructions. No sparing would suck (and not really possible with BJJ), but I could focus on form. Sadly Choi Le Fut is near impossible to find here, so I’ll have to look for an alternative.

One of the gyms I go to said they won’t have a booking system, and there’s a 2 hour time limit on workouts (who the fuck works out for 2 hours anyways). Masks aren’t mandatory but people are just expected to wipe all equipment down and try to keep reasonable distance.

To me, it’s never going to happen. I’ve been using this outdoor gym and nobody respects space or wipes anything down after use anyway.


Yeah also bookings would be very bad for business. There will always be gyms that wont book so people would just defer there.

That’s why I don’t want to go to a normal everyday gym, especially with the ones closest to me being your cheap gyms (The Gym, Pure Gym and another). At least I get fresh air outside and I just bring things with me to wipe equipment down.

I’d love to hit the pool too, but not sure how I feel about it.

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Bouncer at the door.

Not this morning lads.


Are masks required for gyms in the UK? Can’t imagine running in a mask.

Gyms sound like an absolute petri dish


So far no. Although I haven’t seen any guidelines for gyms yet.

My gym sent me an email yesterday, its very small so I do wonder how many people are allowed in at a time i can only imagine its around 4. But the fact the staff also wipe down after you is a reassuring.


I’d rather die than have to book a gym session and have an unreasonable cap on how long I can train. I’m seeing 45 minutes from some gyms.

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this gym is an hour and I’m only free between 8pm and 10pm so it doesnt bother me to book that time slot

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Then the group of massive roidheads just shove him out the way…


Same here, tbh there are only 3 good gyms in my town but defo paying them all a visit.

I just miss squatting in a rack, I can do everything else I have the eqpt it’s just yeah big fuckin squats are irreplaceable for me at least

@SRCJJ my main membership is JD and I don’t know what they’re doing yet, I’ve received zero information so far.

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You can tell this guy drinks a lot of coffee haha.