Health and Fitness

I wonder if it’s because as you’re more active, your metabolism is up so you’re a bit hotter and need to sweat more to cool down?

I’m just spitballing though. I’ve noticed it too.


I remember someone once saying that when you’re fitter you’re body is better at anticipating an increase in body temperature because you work out more, so it starts sweating more to cool you down.

When you’re not fit, you’re body isn’t used to having to sweat to cool you down so you don’t sweat as much.

I always thought it sounded like bullshit but now I’m not so sure haha


Maybe it’s because you get fit in the summer :bergkamp:


Maybe its because you wore a jumper when its 18 degrees?

That is t-shirt weather here !!

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Is Scotland that cold in summer!?!

May have to rethink my summer ‘21 plans.

18 is not cold mate haha

This was my exact thought :joy:

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I find this not so much with the fitness level, but with my percentage of body fat as well. Before I had my son I was on quite the journey to drop all the weight gained moving to London and drinking so many bloody pints. I went from 68kg down to 54kg and slightly up to 56kg, where I stayed as I lowered my body fat. I had 18 % body fat when I got pregnant. I found dropping weight and getting fit my sweat went up and again when dropping fat and increasing muscle. Of course, muscle, not just activity levels, helps to increase your metabolism, so @Electrifying that could be the case. It didn’t matter what the temp was outside or in the gym.


@Phoebica @DavidHillier @CliftonGeraldi or anyone else who does parkrun. Anybody got any news when a restart is likely.
Talking to a club runner last night he was talking September earliest. Seems a bit far off that.

Hmmm I haven’t heard anything mate. I would imagine it shouldn’t be far off with a couple controls in place.

I was thinking with it being outdoors and no changing rooms. Could do with a bit of company for a change and see where im at.

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I haven’t heard anything either.

Though the Brighton and London marathons are still scheduled to be going ahead in September and October, which seems crazy. But people will want to start training (If they haven’t started already) so the organisers are running out of time to postpone (again).

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Sept seems astonishingly soon. Gyms will be open then but given the kind of exercise park run is (high octane, close proximity to the next individual), I can see this being delayed until well into the winter

(There goes my traditional Christmas morning parkrun :pensive:)

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Depends on the park run I guess. The ones in cities etc will be busier. But at the three main ones I do there aren’t that many people. It’s only really at the start line when you’re really close to people. If they could stagger that somehow it could get going again. And I doubt it’ll have its usual number of participants when it first gets going again anyway.


Unless there’s a vaccine there’s no way a marathon will be able to go ahead by Sep/Oct. Unless ofcourse they give up on the virus spreading on masse and hoping for heard immunity

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Yeah it sounds mad that marathons will go ahead if Gov guidelines are still in place by then.

Great north cancelled for october. London surely cant go ahead. Its massive numbers and relys on the tube as well.


@shamrockgooner you ever do fartleks? I know @Stroller probably did.

This was gnarly :gabriel:


Yeah did being the operative word. Seriously strong stats your churning out. Respect.

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The older you get the more likely it is you win your age group though, right?

Did you ever cross train with weights? I don’t know enough about cross training to do it myself but I’m also not sure it’s safe to go to a gym right now.