General News

It’s not behind a glass screen

Literally says in the video that it is.


Just read the full story didn’t realise there was glass in front of it, actually would have thought with such a valuable painting there would have been extra security around

Oh last time I saw you could touch although it would set an alarm off

Even against oil paintings now. Impressive dedication to the cause.


Well to these types of authoritarian types nothing is off limits, also don’t these plebs realise oil is not only used for energy lol.

In reply to the protesters regarding how important art is I’ll leave it to Vincent to explain


Arty types are odd. VG might have liked it :slight_smile:

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Their message was: “what is worth more art or life”

I don’t think it was done because it’s an oil painting, although it’s pretty funny that it is.

And somewhere there they do have got a point. With millions spent on paintings and other art, is it really worth more than our life on this finite planet? People are more worried about the (artificial and inflated) cost of a painting than about spending money on solving the climate change disaster.

If she achieves nothing else, at least her parents can look back with pride at their pathetic, entitled, child, throwing soup over one of the most famous historical paintings.

If she’s that concerned about the environment and wants to make a point, just go and pour paint over Jacob Rees Mogg or Liz Truss.
She’d get more publicity and we would get a good laugh out of it.

The thing most of you guys missed is that these activist are not talking to people I know or grew up around. They are talking to people like themselves middle class university educated who have wealth. Most who visit that painting are if that ilk not the working class who are to busy trying to survive and little time to go to these places.

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Well it isn’t the working class they are sending the message to. But to university educated people with money and above all, power.

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The problem is the stuff they want will affect the working class and poor most. Can a working class person afford a £60k electric car while living in a council flat?

Working class are significantly more likely to be on public transport anyway so buying 60k cars or 6k cars even is probably not on the agenda for a lot of them.

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Shows who is out of touch

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What shows who is out of touch?

Jesus, one of the most famous paintings ruined because of these fucking nuts.

The painting is fine, unlike our planet :stuck_out_tongue:

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They should’ve vandalised an art work in the Tate, no one would’ve even noticed lol.


:joy: :joy:

People would literally think they were part of an avantgarde art installation lol