General News

The reporting on this by some liberal outlets has been pathetic.

Really shows you what they are. Also reminds me the kind of people that spout all this virtue signalling online are in reality the most annoying and unhinged people that you actively avoid in reality. But they act big on the internet.


Vice news are pathetic.

Oh wait thereā€™s more.


I 100% agree with you.

Heard has been caught red handed lying under oath. Changing her testimony multiple times. Depp has showed bucket loads of evidence he was the abused one and she was the abuser and instigator.

Is Depp an angel, of course not. But he absolutely was defamed. None of his other ex partners have ever experienced what she claims he did to her.

The best thing was she claimed Kate Moss was pushed off the stairs by Depp. So Kate Moss came to testify and supported Depp, that je actually came running back inside to carry her to her room after she slid off the stairs. She had nothing but good things to say about Depp.

Heard on the other hand has a track record of being abusive towards her previous partner and family.

She is a narcissistic bpd abuser and she will never admit to the lies and abuse she committed. Truly a pity anyone who is stuck with her.

The cancerous woke media has been exposed for what they are indeed. Nasty, agenda driven liars.

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lol thatā€™s ridiculous

Depp was a drunken idiot with addiction issues but sheā€™s clearly a nasty, toxic and manipulative narcissist

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Itā€™s all these purple and pink haired freaks.

I always thought bullying them in school was wrong but if they act like this without, then maybe itā€™s time to bring that back.

Awful pathetic weak narcissistic people

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Well I donā€™t know about bullying those people again. Bullying is never good.

But my god are some of them massive hypocrites and just nasty people.

So many media crucified Depp and peddled Heardā€™s lies. Without scrutiny.

And instead of taking responsibility some of them double down. Truly pathetic.

Itā€™s the fact that they pretend they are valiant anti-Imperial radicals cancelling their neighbours or teachers over some nonsense spouted on social media instead of the useful idiots of the status quo.

Somebody go tell these clowns their government is still giving the Russian war machine lots of money for gas. You think getting your prof sacked for talking shit is gonna stop them from killing Ukrainians?

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Jesus wept.

You often have some valid points but the way you express them sometimes is nuts.

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Yeah itā€™s virtue signaling, but behind the doors business is as usual.

Reminds me of Poland stopped buying gas (because of ruble demand - big boys resisting the Russian bear), so now they buy gas from Germany. Who get their gas fromā€¦ Russia. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Maybe that was excessive tbf

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If the mistreatment of a wealthy blonde haired, blue-eyed white actress is ridiculed by the world, what does that mean for Black women?

Why do these journalists fail to understand that the masses were able to identify the liar long before the verdict and hence the mistreatment.

Normally I would agree but then bullying would end up creating school shooters

Not a problem. Just arm all toddlers with Uzis and the good gun will prevent the bad gun or something like that.


" In an interview to be aired on BBC Radio 4ā€™s File on 4 later, Prof Hayward said it was important to hear ā€œboth sidesā€ when it comes to the war in Ukraine"

Rookie mistake dudeā€¦

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Take scripts away from some of these actors and they have no fucking identity of their own. Sad it is to witness this level of existence.


Strangely enough Uzis are illegal in the US, since itā€™s a full automatic. A AR15 will do just fine though.



Canā€™t possibly have restrictions on those. Billy Bob needs that sweet rush of freedom by owning a weapon used by infantry because his father never hugged him enough as a child. Absolutely ridiculous.


:joy: fuck Piers Morgan

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Morgan took to Twitter to brush off the importance of nightly ratings, writing, ā€œLinear TV [is] increasingly irrelevant [compared] to total eyeball potential for a global show like this, especially with younger viewers who donā€™t really watch TV anymore.ā€ Morganā€™s tweet included a press release showing his show having a wide digital reach.

As much as I canā€™t stand him, thereā€™s got to be some truth in this. These viewing figures were to be expected, we saw it recently with Andrew Neill and GB News too, relatively high initial viewing figures for a few days/shows that soon dipped massively. But itā€™s cable TV in the UK, itā€™s always going to be pitifiul viewing figures if youā€™re only looking at who is tuning in live and none of the online/social media metrics (the article does reference low numbers on YouTube tbf)

Thereā€™s nothing you can do to generate great figures if youā€™re a non terrestrial news channel. Thereā€™s no way Murdoch gave him that deal expecting him to deliver vastly better live UK viewing figures than he has.

Bruh ur funny. Why are u explaining ur workout routine whilst debating ppl about guns? Itā€™s random af ngl.