General News

I fucking love this thread by the way. Like 8 different topics being discussed at once and you’ve got no idea where any of those discussions will actually end up.

Didn’t see myself making the case for God being the ultimate dictator today, but here we are.


Even the rules that contradict the other rules.


It shows you’ve never read the bible lol because most it asks you to voluntarily consign yourself to god and be a good and moral person.

And long before governments cared about the poor, the church and religious outfits were already doing welfare services.

I find it amusing that our society was shape by Christian and religious morality is now hated, and people seek to change our moral framework to suit some shitty idea of utopia. This utopian vision is based upon man being the ultimate arbiter of righteousness and moral virtue (CCP and soviet Russia). For man to be of the highest virtue you need to be rid of religion, family structure and individualism, you can see this plenty of postmodernist literature which the left use as gospel ironically.

As @sevchenko said ultimately what all people of the left paradigm has done is replaced god with the state.

You guys hate religion because of all the bad stuff but what about the good?? I can say being a lefty is cancer look at what I has brought to us:

  1. Nazism
  2. Facism
  3. Communism
  4. Critical theory: race, gender etc

How much of this crap has actually helped the world become better? How much of this crap has caused problems in the last 100yrs of Morden history?

The left wants to reorganise society to be more equitable for everyone, while religion tells people to be a good moral actor in an unfair world, and what is meant by being a moral actor is saying the there is no such thing as a pregnant man because men can’t get pregnant, even when it hurts someone’s feelings because truth matters more.


I don’t hate all religions. I quite like the Quakers. I’m on board with the Buddhists. I’m cool with the Mormons.

But if you protect and hide paedophiles, while preaching from the pulpit about morality, then I really don’t care about what good you supposedly do.

You problem is with an institution that was ran by immoral people.

*is ran

So what does have to do with the religion?

Btw in Myanmar Buddhist monks are killing Muslims…

It has everything to do with religion. If you lack morale authority because you do evil shit, then don’t be surprised when people then begin to turn away from religion completely.


Wait so if any member of any ideology, group of people etc behaves immorally, then it’s the fault of the group in oppose to the individual; if that’s the case every black person is a criminal degenerate, every man is a rapist, every white person is a white supremacist, and all Muslims are terrorist.

wtf did we have to bring up religion again :man_facepalming:t3: Now all the butthurt fanatics turn up.


Strange people having a civil dialogue is an issue for you???

No, I’m talking about the leaders of those religious institutions. But you knew that.

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Yes indeed.

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It still applies. Also recently the pope said some far left crap, while most Christians do not believe it at all.

Anyway my point is the institution has not represented the wider community for a very long time, hence why a bishop of the Church of England comes out supporting BLM, and illegal channel crossings.

How about we go from the basis that these gods in whatever form have no actual evidence of having existed and performed these miracle things.
That’s not the way to be lead really is it. Plain stupid in reality.


Such a bigoted response

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Factually correct though.


Yet people on here believe a man can be women and women can be men.

It’s a touch up on the emaculate conception tbf.