General News

Yup, we’re a pretty fucking stupid species.


Just a little bit


The US remind me of those people who cannot function without being in a relationship. One ends, and they jump into the next one straight away because they don’t like being alone.

Only they do it with war.


Gina G did well at Eurovision.

Blue did alright too.

But all the others, disaster

I do think it’s brilliant that Gina G is remembered better than the act that actually won it, possibly the very next year if I remember rightly.

Gina G did well. Her song was a school disco classic. It’s the more recent entries who have been shit.

Have to say this situation with Ukraine looks increasingly scary.

If Putin has it in his mind to annex this country which is what all the military build up suggests this could open up a terrible Pandora’s box as scary as anything from the height of the Cold War. Doesn’t look like this ends well for anyone. Let’s hope it doesn’t descend into nuclear war because then we’re all fucked. It doesn’t look like the threat of sanctions is going to stop him but maybe he’s just flexing his muscles here if we’re lucky.

If the threat of nuclear warfare became real I’d take my Moroccan passport and piss off to live in North Africa.


Yeah Katrina and the Waves lol

I fear Western media is overexaggerating the Russian activities to perhaps justify their own internal agenda and Ukraine is left with no choice but become another Syria if this escalates.

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On one hand your saying the media are over overplaying Russian activities but then your saying Ukraine could become a Syria…

You don’t think the involvement of other nations in the local affairs of Syria complicated the situation.

There is no right answer but what happened in Syria was absolutely the worst answer one could come up with.

If the situation ended up like Syria (which it wont) then obviously the media wouldnt have been overexaggerating russian activities would they? It would have meant Russia have launched a full scale war leading to unfathomable levels of civilian dead.

Not really, the Western propoganda would lead everyone in believing that Russia is doing more than what’s the reality, and thereby compelling the nations to go forth with an action.
If not for that action, the outcome would be less severe.

What do you mean by “the nations” which nations are you referring to?

UK, US, France

Military intervention against Assad in a Syria civil war is very different to Ukraine though. I dont believe we will see any military intervention from the west against Russia, the implications are on a different scale. Of course they will provide military aid and intelligence for Ukraine though as they have already been doing.

Russia: “We don’t want NATO putting nukes on our borders… National security bro.”

Meanwhile in former East Prussia, now Kaliningrad, Russia has nukes on the border of a NATO nation, namely Poland.

Politics is dumb.


I don’t really get how western spin can ever provoke Russia to invade Ukraine but it seems like Putin thinks it needs to be a satellite state come what may. Time will tell though. The best case is just muscle flexing to tell the west to keep its growing influence out of his former Soviet satellites. I’m guessing he wants to take it before it gets the protection of joining the NATO alliance.

If he invades it’s like saying Hitlers annexation of Austria and Czech land and then on to Poland was caused by Chamberlain and Roosevelt.

I think what the USA and the U.K. did in the Middle East was scandalously dreadful too costing hundreds of thousands of lives and leaving a mighty mess in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Libya but two wrongs don’t make a right. So I’m not saying it’s always west is right and the rest is wrong. I think US foreign policy has caused many a mess the world over for a long time as it’s so poorly executed and thought through and the U.K. have too often joined the ride.