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This is all true while while we have cultures that are more pre-disposed to having the same cultural values we have. If we get shedloads of people that have extreme religious beliefs or come from poverty and are consequently predisposed to criminal lifestyles you have a problem.

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Anywhere else in the world the dominant ethnic groups have been driven out. North- and South-America, Australia have become white. The apartheid thing in South-Africa. In the Maghreb Arabs aren’t the natives either. Expansion of Hindi in India. It happens everywhere.

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@BizzySignal makes a good point, because obviously we don’t want to be hating on anyone, which is why I dislike Farage’s rhetoric about ‘invasions’. Where I feel he goes wrong is in the scale of change. No demographic changes in UK history have ever been anything like this, where it’s not impossible to imagine a country, anything from 40-80 yrs from now, where white Brits aren’t even a majority in their own land. It actually goes to show just how tolerant we Brits are that we even go to the second level of questioning and ask - does it matter so long as the culture is respected? Most nations would just say fuck off on purely race grounds.

Are you saying these things are natural and good?

@NeedCoffee - so your answer is yes then. Thought so. :smiley:

Honestly does it really matter what the Make up of the UK will be like in 100 years when we’re all dead? Personally I Don’t think there will be any kind of major demographic shift, because last time I checked the census majority of the UK was white and a made up a very small percentage, so unless all white people stop having kids I don’t think anyone really needs to worry, (if that’s what people are worried about anyway).

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You would deny that human migration is not natural? It is actually in our being to look for food/water/shelter and to be able to survive/prosper. Young people leaving rural Britain for the city for example. It most definitely is natural and happens on every scale.

But I guess if you’re a white (christian) foreigners are scary. I mean you know what you all did with taking land and conversions. I guess there are grounds to be afraid as a white person.

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No. My answer was leave people alone. If you want to stop emigration then go fix the post-colonial mess created by “white western Europe”.

When you go in, topple all existing social structures, bleed the land dry, and impoverish entire countries… there are going to be consequences.

To me it seems like when white westerners want to defend they culture or majority it’s always a negative. It’s also met with “what about when (insert past event)” like mentioned above that would not fly in any other none white country tells you all you need to know. Why does the average white person who had nothing to with imperil ambition of days gone be subjected to a cultural take over? In my country they are moaning to many Chinese are coming over same in many African country’s is that wrong?


Because that sentiment means that you and I are not welcome in the UK or the Netherlands. Doesn’t that make you feel a certain way…?

We all have to be honest about the legacy of our heritage. Those people are benefiting today from the blood of colonialism. It’s how they built their country. Same with the US. This country was literally built on the bones of natives, with the blood of slaves.

We as a society can absolutely say “It’s not my fault, I wasn’t there”. But that doesn’t mean you don’t benefit from that history. And it doesn’t change the reality that we currently face.


I like this lol.

I think the general phenotype of the average British individual will change in the next couple of hundred years. Will white truly be white in the stereotypical sense? Where I am, for example, white is exemplified by someone from Poland or Romania. It’s very hard to know/say what the “average” demographic will look like.

Is religion an even bigger worry for people? I don’t really know. We are a ‘Christian country’, so to speak. With many empty churches, will they eventually be knocked down (thankfully they’re not yet, and it adds a sense of culture and class in my opinion, if nothing else)

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If I was not welcome what am I doing here? I went through the proper Procedure and port of entry and I’ve Integrated into the wider society while still retaining my identity. There is a difference between controlled immigration and uncontrolled mass immigration and changing the demographics of an entire nation



That’s the post right there.

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What if your family and friends want to come here too? Would you say sorry bruh? There might be too many of us here in the future. We don’t want to change their demographics.

Just because you are there doesn’t mean you’re welcome. People who carry that sentiment just tolerate you because they have no choice.

How did the average working class benefit? And it’s not they fault they weren’t there and had no say in it. Why should anyone be told that they are guilty of a crime they had nothing to do with

I will ask them what are they bringing to the table :rofl:; I don’t want them to be a tax burden on people that live here.

Isn’t that all controlled as well?

If @ryaninho got married to a bird from India, aren’t there stringent checks before she can come over here?

Furthermore, I believe that’s where it starts and ends. Ryan’s hypothetical fit wife from India can’t bring her parents over here in one fell swoop.

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“White” is not an ethnic group though. There should be no link between your “race” and your ethnicity.


Also funny to see the same people making fun of IDPOL being so obsessed with demographics :grin:

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So for you does it go beyond talking about this in terms of the culture of Britain possibly being under threat, is this about racial identity too?

My friends and family has gone through the same procedure I have I’m not going to act like this county owes me something because it does not. As far as I’m concerned this is a white country and st Lucia is Black Country

Demographics can also be a synonym for cultural change also; would England still be England when no one identifies as English?