Gabriel Magalhães (6)

Real gs move in silence like lasagna. No wonder it’s quiet.


If we win the league, watch all the pundits come out and talk about Gabriel being the best CB in the league.

But he won’t get any credit unless we upset the Liverpool / City apple cart. Punditry and the general media narrative is so tired and clichéd.

Gabriel been outstanding for 2 years. This is the best individual season from an Arsenal defender for 20 years.


Was about to say this when I realised that I’d already said it on here

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There’s not much to say. People in here woke up and smelled the coffee quite a while ago.

We know he’s class, has been for some time, has been our best defender for the past 18 months and arguably our POTS so far.

Our own players know that too. Nelson and Nketiah in a recent video for Sky Sports were asked who’s the best CB in the PL and the picked Gabriel without hesitation.

It is true however that he’s underrated outside our fanbase though.

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Gabriel has nicely balanced some of his braindead moments as well. (hope I didn’t jinx it)
In previous seasons, he needlessly indulged in tussels that could have got him carded. Glad to see that’s reduced now.

It’s called ‘maturing’. He’ll be our rock at the back for years.

Thought he was immense today again and loved who he celebrated the block he made late on in the game to help keep a clean sheet. The mentality of our back 5 is amazing…I’m so impressed at the balance Arteta has achieved in the squad between defence and attack. It is almost perfect.


What a beast of a defender? Absolute monster, and loves defending, as indicated by his celebration on that block.

We are so blessed to have him and Saliba, and very able backups in Tomi and Kiwior and of course Benjamin.


That was really great. Getting hyped over a block at 0-3 up is real maniac shit.

Player of the season for me, no contest.



What was he thinking picking the ball up in open play?!

That’s such a stonewaller.

Referee had a shocker :joy:

Blatant penalty

I’ve noticed him do this a few times previously including this season, sometimes it will look like we’ve taken a free kick but he collects the ball and takes it himself. So far no referee has noticed or cared enough to do anything about it but for the love of god I hope he stops. I do think the referee made the best decision to bury it cause giving a penalty for something so innocuous would’ve been catastrophic.

Love this guy. Been the best CB in the PL this season


Easily! Has had a few hairy moments in recent games, but doesn’t take away from the fact that he is the best CB in the league and has been all season imho.

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Defensively reads the game SO well. Improved his game massively. A lion in defence.

Leadership right there^


These are the standards


That’s hilarious, like a dad telling his son off :rofl::rofl:

that Chelsea fan allowing his son to put a sign saying “we don’t want your jersey”… should learn a lesson from this.

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:brazil: :shield: