Food Thread

Looks like an open faced sandwich maybe?

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I actually genuinely thought you just hate pineapples. On its own its the best fruit out there that isn’t strawberry.

I don’t get what’s so bad about having it with ham and cheese.

Have you ever tried Florida Salad?


Can’t be disrespecting Spongebob house like this.

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Pineapple is without a doubt the best fruit on its own. I’m with you on that one, brother.

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Pinnacle is great. It makes my semen taste real good.

So I’m told.

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Is it not meant to be really good for building muscle too? I swear I’ve read that of its many benifits is it helps your body process protein more efficiently and because of that lifters use it loads as their healthy snack.

Don’t know how much truth there is in it but when I’m going hard a tin of tuna and then a tin of pineapple chunks was my ultimate late night snack.

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Every coach I’ve ever worked with (that’s 3 now) has always incorporated pineapple in my diet so there must be some truth to what you’re saying.

I’ve never bothered to ask why I like it so much that I don’t even question it.

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Haha that’s what it’s all about, definition of a win, win. It’s one of those snacks that feels like a cheat food instead of a superfood.

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I assume I’m not the only one couldn’t be fucked with the effort it takes to cut one up and just goes with the tins?


I have one of these



How accurate is the ‘in seconds’ claim? Do they mean like 800 seconds?

Seems like something I absolutely should own but will never buy unless someone purchases it for me.


The Del Monte half tin with the ring pull is the only way to live, I buy about ten of them at a time when I go shopping.

Can’t tell you how many times I’ve contemplated ending my life because the ring pull snapped off.


This seems like someone covering all the angles for a last few votes. Very shrewd move tbh.


I’m not being funny, but they don’t make ring pulls like they used to anymore.


Honestly I don’t think there is anything more dehumanising in life than when it snaps off and you don’t know where the tin opener is.


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Think you may of blew it on the Tierney dive.:slightly_smiling_face:


It is pretty quick to be fair, can probably do it in under 30 seconds.

I was meant to post that on the Shed End. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: