Favourite gaming console/systems

Awesome, thanks for the quality feedback guys

@Electrifying @Castiel @Lister86


As a handheld and overall system it’s great BUT here’s the issue. The games and any associated accessories are very expensive and will never drop in price. Not even 5 years later will you see their prices drop a cent. On any other system there are bargains all over the shop.

Me and my brother got our nephew (who was about 8 at the time) the Switch and he ultimately got bored of his 1/2 games very quickly. None of the kids at school seemed to have a Switch either which is one of the main reasons kids even play I think. His pop ended up getting him a PS4 the following year as he was head over heels about Spiderman and the game.

With a PS4 I was able to share basically my whole library for free very quickly and limit his access to specific games/play hours too (although obviously that’s only if you own digital games). Nephew hasn’t touched the Switch in years.

It may look great for kids but the practicalities of it may not necessarily work. Getting the controllers set up right is also a bit confusing at the beginning.

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hi all, I have a situation here and need some advice…

recently I play a lot Fall Guys (used to be on Steam store but now only exclusively on Epic store only) with my kids, and they use their Switch, I use the PS5.
Somehow, the Steam Deck that I put a deposit last year, just had 3 days for me to decided if I would buy or not, and I ended up gettting it and now it sits on my desk.

Originally I planned to use the Steam Deck to play some retro games and Fifa, but never expect I need a lot of modifications in order to make it to play Fall Guys (and Fortnite)… and I am never a good tech guy and the instructions on the internet are just too much for me. One of my friends is willing to do it for me but I don’t feel quite good to ask for too many favors because I believe regular updates/modifications is needed.

If you were me, would you keep the SD or like I am just thinking, sell the SD and buy another Switch, which is a more easier route for me?

Think personal I Keep the SD and just use the switch n ps5 to play the games you carnt play on Steam deck.

Not sure how modding is done but just have a good deep dive on YouTube someone will have found or explain a easy way to do it.

Fifa22 plays really well on it runs on ultra settings away.

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