Eddie Nketiah (14)

It’s entirely possible @BigWeng_4LYFE did think he was. Can’t put anything past him.

No one thought Wenger was a legitimate pedo either. It’s the type of sad shite you’d expect to hear from opposition fans not your own.

In combination with the racist stuff it was simply a bad look. Just because a lot of people didn’t speak up about all that shit didn’t mean that quite a few members didn’t care for the tone of it.

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Not the same thing at all. On a forum like this things take hold like the time you couldn’t post a thread without someone responding with Cool. Story. Bro. Or it being 6 years later and people still digging out Cal for eating a plain frozen burger.

If that stuff isn’t edifying for you the option is pretty much to ignore it because your feelings can’t make it go away.


I guess we simply just pick and choose though don’t we. I can’t see how accusations of being a racist or constantly calling Mikel a terrorist was any less juvenile than the mass ban on shitty tame food insults lmao.

The basis with that being that they were xenophobic but the terrorist thing wasn’t?

Ok then I guess.

Nobody ever got banned for food insults so your point is baseless.

I said there was a mass ban on using them which there was. It never bothered me but if it made others uncomfortable so be it. The Arteta Taliban stuff never bothered me but I didn’t like the racist accusations. I’m sure for other people though they did find it in poor taste.

It’s simply double standards whether you want to admit that or not.

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There wasn’t a ban on using anything. There was an explainer on what could/would happen if people chose to do so.

That time on the forum had its own context as does the time the Arteta stuff was getting posted.

It’s not the same thing even if you personally felt it was.

Yea. Obviously. :arteta:

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Cool. Story. Bro

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Jesus @Calum , are things that bad you resorted to this?

What? is this real cal ? @Calum

Shit…sorry @Calum


Hang the fuck on, what?

No no no, don’t apologize. Obviously we need to address this as a community.

A few years ago, before @Calum became an enlightened renaissance man of higher taste, he used to delight in eating Rustler’s finest frozen microwave burgers after a long day of hard work when he couldn’t be bothered to make food for himself.

He once admitted this in one of the threads and it was never forgotten haha

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Sounds like the ultimate bachelor food.

I think you mean Rustlers. And they were also birds eyes frozen were they not.


Sorry you are indeed correct, my iPhone did me dirty there

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I wish it was 6 years ago.

Unfortunately it was 2020 which was only 2 years ago and with every bar and restaurant closed I resorted to supermarket burgers :face_vomiting:


You definitely just made this up lol

Rustlers are drunk 3am nightclub food I’ve never bought one sober

If I remember it was the night of the FA Cup final and posted it my celebration meal lol

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Oh well that’s a little different considering COVID made life pretty grim. We definitely had our fair share of weird meals because groceries were sold out.

Not as weird as a frozen burger though. That type of behavior is definitely a marker for something.

I think this quite nicely illustrates my point to be fair. :slight_smile: