Donations gratefully received

Thanks to all who have donated, it really helps with the running of the site.


Why would you want to deal in rupees when there are enough despise with Euros.

Not complaining though

Just donated a score to the best Arsenal forum around

Arsenalmania :sunglasses:


Probably funding some nasty coke habits.

And terrorism


Stopped buying fake kits ages ago

Donated 10 quid, been using the site for long enough for free with my constant complaining regarding Arsenal.


Thanks AussieGooner, much appreciated

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Even though I don’t use the site that much these days I donated £10 because OA is my home, online home anyway :slight_smile:


Thank you so much Luke, you little legend!

It’s around that time of year when things are up for renewal with the site and hosting costs, so we may need to whip around some fresh donations if anyone else wants to chip in. It would be much appreciated, in order to keep the site going for another year :slight_smile:

And no @Trion, the subscription thing REALLY isn’t happening, for the last time :wink:

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Yeah I will give a donation again soon, been 6 months since I did.

did it on the old site so I thought I would do it again on the new site, plus I’m making money these days
ching ching



Thanks Luke. :heart_eyes:

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I will try to pop in with a few quid in the next days.

BTW since this thread has been bumped and I’ve been meaning to ask this - what hosting service are we using and how much are our renewal fees? I’ve been looking into shared hosting recently for a small website and still haven’t made up my mind which one to go with. OA has been running quite smoothly in my experience so I’d like to look into our hosting service.

I think we’re on one of the $15 tiers right now
and a little more for backups. I don’t think we’ve had a single issue that was their fault in 3 years :slight_smile:

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I’ve seen that I’m now a gold member, what differences does that come with?
