Cost of Living

Its badge of honour stuff


Tbf, your water is fucking banging


I’d put the scenery above the water personally.


You wish you had Somalias water supply

Interestingly the main teaching union is polling on accepting the 5.5% pay rise for teachers so no automatic acceptance or avoiding strikes for Labour.

I think it probably will be accepted. I’m voting against though and I actually am willing to strike this time unlike the last shambolic campaign.

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What’s motivating you to strike this time around?

Even with the pay rise that was agreed after the last strikes, the real terms pay decrease for teachers has been ongoing the entire time I’ve been in the profession. This is biting quite hard at the moment.

Additionally, the union has had a change of leadership since the last round of strikes which ended in a very bizarre way with the union claiming massive victory when what they secured was a continued cut in pay and they seemed very keen to show off that the leadership had been wined and dined by Downing Street which created a very sour taste for me.

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