Cost of Living

People lap that shit up though. There’s a garden centre by me, has a fish counter where the woman who runs it gets her fish from Brixham, organic veg that comes from the farmer down the road and a butcher that in all fairness is very good, the prices though again are daft and unless there’s something in there I can’t get in the super market (soft shell crab :drooling_face:) I won’t go near the place, the locals go mad for it though. But I know better :joy:

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181.9 sainsbury by me are doing it for and they’re usually always the cheapest place. The Ford oils garage 2 mins up the road is a piss taker with his 199.5.
It’s all getting very tiring to be fair.

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There’s a Shell opposite a Sainsbury’s near me. Sainsbury’s is on 181.9, whereas the Shell is 188.9.

Doesn’t make a jot of sense

Actually it does I’m not sure how it works in the UK but in Europe supermarket fuel stations are cheaper because the fuel is a loss leader and their overheads are less than the Shell BP Repsol etc stations who are franchises. So they have higher overheads to deal with, it’s why all the other stuff you can buy there tends to be more expensive.

Jesse, you’re meant to fuel (pardon the pun) my fire, not piss on it! :angry:

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Oil always say what I want :crazy_face:


Makes my BP go through the roof.

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Not surprised you carry on like that you’ll be making a fuelish mistake

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You’ve used fuel again in a pun/play on words (other than that, that post would be 5 star)

Ahhhhh get back in your Shell you crustacean :lobster:

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When fuel prices were kicking off a few months ago I knew everyone else was taking the piss when Texaco were somehow the cheapest I could find.

Blackouts? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

When this happened in the 70s, there was no football in the evening games.

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Just doesn’t seem feasible in this day. The country runs 24/7. How do you just turn an area off and stop those people working? I guess they have exceptions/back up for hospitals and the like. But still.


Surely gas usage will be down anyway considering all the steps folks are taking to save money now it’s twice as expensive as it was last year.

I’m not even struggling, but I’m using less out of principle as it seems wasteful otherwise.

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Petrol around here is roughly £1 per litre ($1.60). Diesel’s a bit more at £1.08. Funny that. Diesel always used to be less than petrol - less refining, I thought.

Do it a week before Christmas and limit the amount of air time on those shit Christmas records.


Lucky it’s November so can get the playlist on now