
0.4% of 56million = 1 in 224,000 I’ll take my chances

What was 56 million?

The amount of people in England


Be interesting to compare deaths per population between coronavirus and things like Spanish Flu 100 years ago.

That would be interesting

Also just to correct this.

0.4% of 56m is 224,000. Or 1 in 250 as I said earlier.

250/56m would be 1 in 224,000. So what is 250 (if anything)?

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If you are going to extrapolate 0.4% on 56million, then you should do the same for 1 in 5000 and 1 in 28000.

Number of people who would die of Covid in a sample size of 56 million = 0.4% * 56,000,000 = 224,000
Number of people risking myocarditis through Moderna (1 in 5000 = 0.02) = 0.02% * 56,000,000 = 11,200
Number of people risking myocarditis through Pfizer(1 in 28000 = 0.0035) = 0.0035% * 56,000,000 = 1,960.

The statistics are not meant for just UK population and the statistics is flawed.
But your brave logical boosting doesn’t make sense based on the figures you yourself provided.

Be anti vax if you want, If you are going to come here to argue, atleast give us a compelling argument against it.

Ya know what tho, that .4 he spotted you guys is a much smaller number for someone his age group. Assuming he’s 30 years old that 30 - 40 age bracket has a much smaller percentage of deaths.


Yes I know. We are just working with the figures he provided.
Regardless the death count will be much higher than 1960 (risk of myocarditis via Pfizer) for sure.

Can’t argue with you, Johnny. I think @stroller said something similar earlier about the vaccine lessening the chances of spread, which is absolutely true.

However, I (personally) would use this argument a little more vociferously for the flu jab. The COVID jab has been rushed through (although I’m not just waiting for it to go tits up so I can be glad about it, either. I want it to work and be side-effect free)

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It’s like 0.02 for people under 65

All the people that was part of that expose had to retract under the threat of a law suit by project Veritas :sunglasses:

Stop spreading fake news.

I’m sorry but :arteta: :arteta:


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This is what happens when people live in this echo chamber.

If you watch they channel their a section called retracto where the post L’s from journalists retracting stories to avoid a law suit. Currently they are suing New York Times for penning an opinion piece as factual.

Ask yourself why hasn’t veritas been sued yet…