
Fantastic news for the England. Don’t think we’ll be so lucky here in Melbourne.

I’m guessing after the 1.5% ni tax they are trying not to piss people off more


Why not do it proactively?

“ People who are not vaccinated against Covid-19 were 11 times more likely to die of the disease and 10 times more likely to be hospitalized with the disease, a study published on Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.

The study looked at 600,000 Covid-19 cases in 13 states from April through mid-July.

“The bottom line is this: We have the scientific tools we need to turn the corner on this pandemic. Vaccination works and will protect us from the severe complications of Covid-19,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Friday.”

Clearly you didn’t read the article properly; it basically tells you that cdc has only been counting seriously sick hospitalised people, and not minor sickness not requiring the need to go hospital. Another caveat is that most them have underlying issues.

Tell me Mr I follow the science how is possible for country to be 89% single jabbed 81% double jabbed still experiencing high rates of positive cases, if not for the fact regardless of vaccination you still get sick and still pass it on.

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“About 70% of breakthrough cases resulting in hospitalization were among adults 65 and older and about 87% of breakthrough cases resulting in death were among adults 65 and older, the CDC data suggests“

This little tit bit that we all already know

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Denmark held a 52,000 person concert at Parken stadium last night which is apparently the biggest concert held in Europe in 18 months.



Who played? The Olsen brothers?

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Someone called “The Minds of 99” - I’ve never heard of them but apparently they’re popular in Denmark

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Also in totally unexpected news :joy:

No subscription needed apparently.

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No medical reasons for putting these restriction in place. Just a means to coerce people to vaccinate.

As I said before. Dangerous precedent what the governments are playing with and the population allows the governments to do.


If not for medical reasons then wtf are we taking it for ? These Govts have far too much control and power.


Not “currently”.

Pulling the wool over our eyes. That third jab is coming at some point :slightly_smiling_face:

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You believe whatever you want.

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Before this pandemic I didn’t know we had so many of these people bubbling under the surface lol. Blows my mind

Wish they’d link the actual paper.


In Chile teenagers and kids down to the age of 12 are being vaccinated, also are giving booster shots to anyone that was originally vaccinated with the CoronaVac vaccine and starting a vaccination campaign for vulnerable kids between the age of 6-12 using CoronaVac.

Plus there’s a good chance that after they will give booster to the remainder of the population.


Group of my friends flew back from Marbella in July. None of them had a valid covid test certificate, all doctored. None of them booked the day 2 and 5 tests. None of them even took a PCR before flying out, all just doctored the same certificate.

Even when I went to Dubai earlier in the year, I paid for a private covid test but the guy I flew with didn’t even bother just used his friends and changed the name. Too easy a system to get around which is why I don’t get why they even bother imposing these rules.

Nobody was checking on anything or anybody.