
Listening to 5 live just now and it’s crazy how many people just blindly associate mask wearing with being kind and considerate, and anyone who doesn’t intend to wear it everywhere in doors is a selfish bastard.


I’m sure some might think you’re joking but it’s true. Last week on a Sunday I had to drive into Sainsbury’s for a quick shop and I opted to put them on.

When you have an astigmatism and you’re on dailies it’s such a waste of a lense and cost. But my eyesight is at the stage now where I can’t even take my specs off for the duration of my shop.


Yeah I’m over the masks full stop, so I don’t wear them period, so that side of lockdowns don’t bother me.


Vaccine extended to vulnerable children. Hope that includes your daughter @Leper

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So stupid. Stop this obsession with being different to everybody else and give the vaccine to all your kids so schools can stay open with little disruption.

Needs to be added to the children vaccine timetable tbh


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I agree with this. Hope it comes here aswell

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I mean, it’s not a problem for me because I have had both vaccines (and I don’t go to nightclubs, lol). But it’s still controversial. I don’t think people should be forced into having the vaccine. Not that going to a nightclub is essential of course, but if a lot of leisure activities follow suit it kinda is forcing them to have the vaccine unless they want a life without fun.


I think it works.

In Denmark you have to have proof of double vaccinations or a PCR test no older than 72 hours. So everyone here who isn’t double vaxxed has to test every other day to go to restaurants, hairdressers etc

Went to a museum today, showed my NHS certificate - happy days


But that’s not what Boris said. It’s double vaccination or no entry. A negative test won’t get you in. Though it is Boris, so he’ll probably change his mind again.

Also, it’s only clubs and certain venues that his current plan applies to. So pubs and bars etc aren’t being subjected to the same rules. So nightclubs will suffer by people just going elsewhere.

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I agree.

Stands for going abroad, too.

Although I can reach a halfway house and say “prove you’ve had COVID in the recent past” at which point you can present email confirmation of a positive PCR test.

I personally care also about the freedom of under-18s to go into the nightclubs, despite being under 18.

Why won’t you authoritarian Marxists think of their rights?

No one is being forced to do anything.


That’s exactly what’s going to happen I reckon, it’s the best way for them to make it mandatory without legally making it mandatory ( because they can’t ).

Doesn’t the French bloke want people to show proof of vaccinations to go to the grocery store ?

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It definitely won’t work in practice and I even doubt many clubs will really enforce it in any case tbh

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It’s an interesting discussion tbh, if the govt is creating an environment where you need to be vaxxed in order to use basic services like shopping, transport or even access entertainment that making vaccination mandatory indirectly.

The legal authority to do this in the UK at least is very questionable. Western society has never been governed by utilitarianism


They are introducing some rules like this in Ireland from next week but the legislation underpinning it is time limited for three months I think. That’s a reasonable way to do it imo even if I won’t personally be proving my vax status to have a burger or beer somewhere.

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If you get a Vax card, it would be pretty easy to do it in nightclubs at least, which is when the bouncer checks your Id. Which is the only place where it really should be implemented if it is to have any worth.

Of course the VIPs will get away with it though.

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And the clubs that don’t enforce it will get more custom eventually from the people that prefer not to be vaccinated.

Wonder how the business owners feel about being told who they can and can’t let in their premises.

Can’t see the point of the passports thing for hospitality.
I think it’s right and fair on foreign travel but if people can work amonst others without it don’t see why they can’t socialise in the same way.

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