
This thread has made me fucking paranoid about getting my jab now lol

I’ll still take it as I imagine the risk is still minor compared to covid, I can put up with feeling rough for half a day but the idea of anything worse is pff-putting to say the least

Hahaha yeah exactly, that must have been a rough one for you.

My girlfriend got the AZ 2nd dose right as they said they wouldn’t give them to under 40s either and she was not happy :joy:

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I forgot about it pretty quickly, I’m overstating the case with the gif a touch :grin:

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Hahah I do have someone sharing my line of thinking on here.

I can get it due to working in the transport sector, but I’ve opted against at this point in time.

The facts are all proper officials have admitted it hasn’t undergone normal testing protocols, it has been fast tracked due to the threats of the virus substantially being more dangerous than the threat of the vaccine.


Personally I’m counting down the days until the NHS text me with an appointment :raised_hands:

It wouldn’t have mattered if they’d announced it before she had the second dose though, as you can’t mix and match.

I had the first dose of AZ and then a week later they stopped giving them to under 40s. But obviously because I’d already had 1 dose of it, had to have AZ the second time as well. Most of my friends have had Pfizer, and haven’t had side effects as bad as me either. Maybe I’m just weak :sweat_smile:

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Think I’ll be getting the Pfizer.

So when it happens I’ll be all Pfizerd up

With the Indian variant case numbers are growing exponentially in recent weeks. Another 4 weeks and they’ll be huge again.

Hospitalisations are now starting to follow. They always lag case numbers by a week or two.

Deaths always follow the hospitalisations but again with a time delay. So although low at present this will turn. Due to vaccination though the deaths per infection will be lower than before but not low enough to stop the health system overloading again if case numbers keep growing exponentially like they are.

My doctor neighbour says this variant is a lot more deadly and infectious but that a double dose of vaccine gives pretty good protection for most people.

He says it affects the young much worse than previous variants unless vaccinated.

The conclusion is obvious. It’s not over yet but when most of the population are fully vaccinated and if need be booster dosed up against new variants we will probably be mostly ok again. Expect the next 9 months to have a few more big bumps in the road while the vaccine program and booster programs get done.

My local mp is useless. So is Handexplodercock . So is Johnson. So is Starmer. Clueless bunch of tossers.

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I think that’s a worry. Vaccine take up has really helped us so far but if the rest of the world is more reluctant that will keep the pandemic going.

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Interesting, I always thought Japanese people had a high level of confidence in civic duty and their government


A pissed off Michael O’Leary is good start to my day.


What vaccine type do they use in Japan? Might not trust other peoples

With the UK we had an awful peak of the virus between December and February which coincided with availability of the vaccine and the numbers went down and pretty much gone by may June. If we, you know, were sensible and closed ourselves off, and still had normality in a sense there would be alot more skepticism.

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There aren’t as many people there so you won’t have to Kew for so long. :grinning:

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I’d put this down to having been through a whole load of bullshit panic about the MMR vaccine in the 90s and 00s, all because of that fucking charlatan, fraud cunt Andrew Wakefield. I think him being exposed as such has in the long run helped convince people that anti-vax arguments are often made in bad faith and almost never have any scientific foundation. So I’m not surprised at all to see us high up in such a list.


I have a feeling that you think that’s the right spelling.

See big Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet giving it all big and large last year about COVID and these infectious diseases being a serious threat?

Guess who was editor of the Lancet when they accepted his flawed, awful MMR vaccine and autism study, didn’t retract it for ages even after it being proven as bollocks and still defends publishing it?

Setting back public health and infectious disease prevention and treatment, decades?


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Had my Pfizer jabs four weeks apart in March and April. Bit of a sore arm for a day and that’s it. No effects since. Hoping this wil give a bit of confidence to some of you.


Healthy 12 year olds can have a jab. Can my 10 year old daughter with complex medical issues and who was twice instructed to shield have one? Nah, World Health Organisation says that’s not a priority.

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