
Genuinely curious we only get stories from the media, but as somebody who lives there how is it right now? If we have to believe the media it’s currently hell on earth.

To be honest, since I am home even I am not completely aware of what issues people suffer once they have to be hospitalized.
Think of the situation as slightly less severe than what Italy suffered at the beginning of the pandemic.

Throughout 2020, our highest count of new cases was 97k

The new variant is so infectious that within span of 2 weeks, cases rose past 97k and within a month, it hit 4 times the number.

Naturally the entire health care collapsed. Not enough beds, not enough oxygen/ventillators, not enough medicines.
previously it would be one or two members of the family getting infected & recovered. Now entire family is being wiped out. A family friend of ours lost his mother & wife before succumbing to Covid himself in 2 days.

A relative of an acquaintance could have had some chance of survival if Remdesivir was available. They somehow arranged for it to arrive in 4 days. He passed away in 2 days.

11 individuals who recovered from Covid suffered black fungus and lost their eyesight.

I have shunned myself from watching news channels but I would assume the reporting is accurate because it is indeed chaos over here.

I am bewildered that European countries have allowed travel to & fro India. This new variant shouldn’t enter your country before everyone is vaccinated.


Why do you have to wear a mask in a cinema but not in a coffee shop etc?

Here? We don’t have any coffee shops or Cinema open right now.

Prior lockdown, Well…people need to use their mouth to drink coffee, so long as there is enough distance between tables, removing mask is allowed.

Sorry meant here with lifting of today’s measures.
Was going to book today but I’m not wearing one in a cinema.

AH my bad

I always thought it was risky as fuck giving a date tbh


Agreed. Giving a date will piss people off more if this doesn’t happen now.


Got no problem with that to be honest. Most people can now do most of the things they’d like to.


Tbh I agree with you. You can do 90 percent of the stuff you done pre pandemic. Just got to wear masks which is basically the norm now lol

Not quite and especially not if this happens

“But it is also possible some of the easing we’ve done today will have to be reversed."

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If it means numbers of cases drop, no hospitalisation or death due to the new strain, I have no issues with another lockdown.

Received my 2nd Jab in the afternoon, feeling good so far.


Got the first dose for my parents done. So fucking glad.


It’s such a relief isn’t it?

Congrats bud, hope they stay well and you’re now able to visit them safely


“A few moments later…”

Got my appointment for shot 1 tomorrow week. I get to do a bit of que skipping due to my asthma apparently.


Text came through for dose 2 today, got that coming up in a couple of weeks


Seemingly good news emerging about the variant first seen in India and vaccines albeit moreso for those who have had the double dose.


Here we here we here we fucking go!