Cancel Culture and related issues


I watched that special, it came out a while ago and for some reason the outrage is happening now.

And the thing is, if you watch it, Iā€™m pretty certain he has provoked this reaction on purpose to try to make a point about censorship in cancel culture. He even called the joke a career ender.


Luckily Iā€™ve never experienced that but when I was around 16 we went to West Ham a lot as they were cheap tickets and god I heard some horrible things.

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Truth is racism is far more prevalent in Europe despite the constant preaching in European media about Americaā€™s problems. Good distraction while governance is mediocre and corrupt, i.e. try to get the people looking elsewhere.

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Itā€™s not a competition.


Heā€™s probably bts loving it. He had a storm of good publicity on Twatter when that clip of his anti-vaxxer routine came out. So thereā€™s been lots talking about his special.




You are an intolerant fanatic who gets triggered by anything that doesnā€™t fit your worldview. In truth a real fascist. My conversation was with someone else, but you immediately wanted to interject with a predictable dopey strawman.

Youā€™re going to do that anytime I post on these types of threads on this website obviously. Itā€™s your boring and tedious schtick to think somehow you are irritating me.

As I said before, not a good person. I made that determination by the way when these undertones spilled over into a footballing thread, which showed me you canā€™t control yourself. Totally inappropriate for a moderator, but thatā€™s not something I want to impact, it is just an observation.


You donā€™t remotely understand me. Carry on.

Good, I have irritated you. Show you have some control by restraining yourself from jumping on my every comment in these threads. Show you have some tolerance, and show that you arenā€™t a fanatical control freak. Have to go now.

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The usual for this fake liberal shite that is propagated by corporation HR departments and intelligence agencies.

That canā€™t be real. Thatā€™s got to be a parody!

Thatā€™s a certain strand of American woke politics in a nutshell:

Turn the virtue signaling up to 10 and the economic inequality up to 11.

Point of personal privilege

Iā€™ve heard people talking like that, so it wouldnā€™t surprise me at all.

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Kind of old news but I stumbled across this interview which kind of melted my brain.

If a district wants to rename schools thatā€™s one thing but they got basic facts wrong about the historical figures they were removing.

Also, I give the school board rep an A+ in deflection. The next time someone points out a factual error in one of my briefs Iā€™m going to hand wave it away by saying theyā€™re discrediting my work.


All it takes is one person to decide they, or someone else might be offended, and want to cancel it.

Itā€™s like people who tell others not to buy music by Adele or books by J K Rowling because they have views that are different to theirs.

If this carries on weā€™ll get to a situation where almost every great landmark in London will have to change itā€™s name because of the links to British colonialism and the empire.