
Surely has to come with a release clause as Mitoma is 26 I think so a bit less time to work with if a big club is his end goal.

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Youā€™d have thought so but wouldnā€™t be the first time a player has been stupid with regard to their contract lol

He might be ball and chain status if he didnā€™t get that in there

At least when others did it they cashed in and got well over 100k.

I donā€™t buy that 80k is really high for Brighton. Thatā€™s nor al wages for a first team player in the PL and for a club thatā€™s so healthy financially as Brighton.

He may be getting paid more who knows but a release clause is a must surely

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They should change their name to Stepping Stone Albion.
There has probably never been a more profitable club in the transfer market than Brighton.

It is according to this (know these are never perfect but good enough for this type of discussion id say)

I know they feel really established but they are only a PL team like 5 or 6 seasons and are very well run. Presumably these all come with nice bonuses too.

100k is still a barrier not being breached all that regularly outside of the very top clubs.


Not really.

Heā€™s only 18 and Brighton is the best place for him imo

Theyā€™ve probably given him a massive contract with a buy out clause that will suit Brighton.
Heā€™s obviously a striker with potential but without the hat trick he scored this season, is he really worth the rumoured 80m or more that was talked about?

Heā€™s showing great promise but his actual production isnā€™t nowhere near enough to justify some huge sums.

He is not even an out and out starter for Brighton yet. :santi:

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I think thats the third contract he signed in just over a year now. Gotta be the best paid Brighton player now.

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15 in 41 appearances and he is still 18. Haaland had 16 in 30 at the same age but for Molde in the Norweigan league.

Not insanely different considering Ferguson is playing in a significantly better league, and not starting every game as you say.

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Do Brighton have their own black site to tie players down to contracts or something?

Would be a great age to make a big move when heā€™s 23/24, but at what cost?


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Whats the reason?

The arrogance of that guy lol. Cocky English

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Canā€™t handle the multiple comps anyway, nevermind with the injuries theyā€™ve had

Perfect replacement for ETH, but hope that Mancity go for him.

Itā€™s almost as if selling all your best players lowers the overall talent level.

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I thought you were big on selling club strategy? Youā€™ve seen the light?