
It would probably cancel Brexit, so will probably become more likely.


Yeah i somehow dont think it’d take long to get that agreement haha

Still, remain would have to actually win it, and convincingly. Not sure if they would myself

Are the Leavers who have discovered that Brexit will not in fact make them millionaires, cure male pattern baldness and spontaneously resurrect the British Empire circa 1900 starting to turn on the Tories or are they still (like many Trump supporters in the USA) somehow convinced that this will all work out and that it’s the media’s fault for not publicizing the aspects of Brexit that are working.

EDIT: Got my terms mixed up. Woops!

A handy tool for online If they have a :uk: in their username they voted for brexit and want our country back to stop these people stealing our jobs


Haha well some definitely have! Unfortunately some still believe in the sunny uplands they were promised by Boris etc.
Although I’m just not sure if remain have a compelling message they could sell. Plus I’m not sure if most people would want a second referendum anyway, the first one was horrible so I wouldn’t hold my hopes up on the second one!

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Wouldn’t Remain have a little more hope as some of the Leavers have presumably died of old age? :bellend:

What about the Daily Mail?

Just as funny :joy:

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Unite the country? :wenger:

Look at the newspaper owners and the people like Farage, Johnson, Rees Mogg etc, who insist this is great for the great British public, and you realise that they have nothing on common with the general voters.

All the people who voted to leave will be the first to moan when they see no change in immigration numbers and the fact that travelling abroad in Europe will be more expensive and more difficult.


And then you wonder why i call some english cocky :bellend:

Then they’ll turn on benefits claimants again.

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A sitting government has only lost a parliamentary vote by 100+ on 3 occasions going back over the last century.

This one will be defeated by somewhere between 150-200, that’s the scale of it.

Brexiteers are losing grasp of their own sanity and May can’t control them anymore. No deal isn’t an option. Time for a 2nd referendum :+1:


I actually want a no deal Brexit now, my girlfriend and I are quite keen to buy property soon and a no deal Brexit could really crash the market in our favour with a ~30% housing crash.

Woof woof yes please


Haha there will be some benefits in that respect :grin: unfortunately it would also mean mass unemployment and half empty shelves in supermarkets so I’m tempted to favour high house prices!

That’s one of the positives isn’t it?

I was thinking that brexit would help me buy a house soon too.

I think people forget things like this when disparaging all Leavers as hurt durr racist morons etc.

The system isn’t working for a lot of people. If you don’t make it work they will bring it all crashing down for better or for worse (Brexit is undoubtedly for the worst, mind)

If only the government would listen but they’re still in a huge bubble along with the many remainers.

For example, if it were up to China Umunna, you can be damn sure house prices would be high as fuck.

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In this space of mis-information and outright lying it’s nice that Boreham Wood FC have clarified their position for their nation


Are the numbers even there to win it? I think on YouGov only 8% said they favour a 2nd ref. Plus it will be even more divisive.

There’s a reasonable argument for it. For one thing one of the pillars of the EU is free movement of capital, but capital flight is going to be one of the main issues for any future Labour government to deal with. They won’t be able to do anything about it if we’re in the EU.

Theresa sounds a bit desperate, isn’t she?

May appeals to Labour MPs to back her deal for sake of their constituents

May says Corbyn’s speech was like his whole approach to Brexit, “long on critcism, short on coherence”.

She mocks the idea that he would be able to get a renegotiation in weeks.

She says that in the 2017 election manifesto Labour said free movement would end. Yet at the weekend Corbyn said he was not against free movement.

She says he is against no deal. But he is also against the backstop, without which there is no deal, she says.

She says Corbyn has pursued a cynical course. He has forfeited the right to demand loyalty from Labour MPs who take a more pragmatic view.

She says she hopes that MPs opposed to no deal, whose constituents rely on manufacturing jobs, should think hard about rejecting her deal.

This definitely feels seismic. A defeat of 200+ kills the deal once and for all, it’ll likely lead the EU going for no deal and not reopening the renegotiations, and lead to parliament breaking down.

I have a feeling all them remain and Labour mps will come to regret not voting in favour of this deal, and the country will rue the day we decided to have a referendum