Black Lives Matter Movement

What was about?

Nah mate your not on.

BLM UK have just tweeted out their aims. Total vagueness. The only one which is clear is no borders, which is total madness.

Why is BLM UK demands sound like BLM US demands?
Why can’t they learn to left align?

Lmao ffs.

This is actually hilarious and completely vindicates anyone who wants to disagree with racism without endorsing Black Lives Matter as an activist organisation.

In a few years they’ll be looked at like PETA, stand for something noble but go about it in such a fashion that no one with half a brain can stand them.


Not really. A lot of current day (artificial) borders outside of Europe cause problems. Europe, ffs, needed two world wars and millions of deaths to accept some status quo. No borders in itself is not an unfair aim. Question rather is how will that be executed properly.

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Yeh because Germany wanted every European boarder they crossed to be part of their empire. Honestly that objective is so naive it comes across as incompetent.

They’re going to lose any credibility they have left spouting idealistic, irrational nonsense like that.


If they had come out with a document identifying areas within the UK specifically where they felt there’s high levels of racial inequality and made reasonable suggestions on how to affect positive change then at least you can have broader discussions/argument about effective changes.

When you came out with extreme aims it alienates the middle ground. It’s the same reason why XR has done more harm in the climate change debate than good.

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It’s really not about a movement. It was a pretty spontaneous action by people.
Nobody needs to write a fucking agenda. How do people not seeing a gross ignored injustice in society need it written down for them.
Ffs people and symbolism in this country.


Ignoring the problem or disagreeing with how these people go about it, means you can ignore the actual problem completely. It’s easier that way.

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Exactly my interpretation. Ignore it as long as people want but it won’t go away.
Each chapter will get worse. Reap what you sow🤷‍♂️

That is why it has gotten so extreme. This movement was founded in 2013. But these people feel liks their issues simply aren’t taken seriously or even addressed. Hence it escalates.

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An institute which is designed to combat a certain social ill should have a drafted agenda that they want to tackle. I don’t think that is an irrational expectation.

If it is meant to be random, why have BLM UK at all? They are being funded by people to give direction and relevance to this movement.

Let’s turn this around then. What’s the government, the people with power going too change.
How about sporting organisations or is a logo it’s best effort.
How about the department of education. Anything changing on the school curriculum maybe.

These people/entities will make changes as per their own convenience and the changes done by them will often leave people unsatisfied.
BLM as an entity focused to tackle injustice, is supposed to get the experts in place and make rational specific recommendations/demands to the government/sporting organizations/department of education.

If you expect these entities to self govern and dictate the changes, why is there a need for BLM organization? Let people do their random acts

I’ve read it multiple times and I don’t see what you guys are seeing.

Asking for communities to be invested in is pretty straightforward, asking for funding in general is straightforward. Education systems being transformed seems clear cut to me (Perhaps they could’ve specified how, but that’s neither here or there for me) some of it is very mild and wouldn’t change a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.

In regards to the borders control Hostile Environment was an awful policy (That also didn’t work) which came to roost with the Windrush scandal. Border controls that ends lives can be read many different ways, I’ll submit this is vague and can be interpreted however you want it.

Fair play if you disagree with it, but some of these criticisms are bizarre. None of it reads as particularly extreme, or irrational or vague (except a few parts).

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I say it again the protest initially may have been organised by this movement but the response was spontaneous by the majority of unattached people.
People not needing an organisation behind them. People sick and tired and untrusting of committees and independent reports.
Black Lives Matter and the knee has been shown at every football match.
Players and people in general don’t think or see it as an organisation.
It’s seen as a slogan and recognised as problem that they want addressed.
Building campfires and singing happy clappy songs aren’t happening. Deal with it.

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I am unable to understand your post and the point you are making.

Anyway, for an institute that has raised more than a million pound, it is not unreasonable to expect a list better than what any average loud mouth liberal can draft.