Black Lives Matter Movement

*"The list is credited to a diversity consultant named Judith H. Katz, who has written about race for many years. In the late 1970s, she wrote White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training. She later wrote Inclusion Breakthrough: Unleashing the Real Power of Diversity. (In the 1990s, the Boston Herald called her a “diversity doyenne.*”) *Today, the company where she is a top executive, Kaleel Jamison Consulting, counts among its clients FedEx, Merck, Toyota, and several others."

Sounds like a hard core leftist to me

Race essentialism is always a bad thing and the opposite of what anti-racism should be.

I wonder how many are making arguments in good faith though. You can’t be offended by this and then talk about “black culture” in a similar kind of essentialist way.

This is actually racist, interestingly.

This doesn’t apply to, for example, Nordic society, which in many cases stand for the exact opposite of what’s listed there.

Sounds like she’s basically saying “this is what white culture is” and then applying it to all cultures with predominantly white populations and that’s just wrong lol

That list would be more describe as a list of hard capitalist principals not race :joy:

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There’s always gonna be far left losers who turn this from being an anti-racism idea an anti-white idea, smh.

I don’t follow any social media accounts anymore that are heavy on the politics anyway. Too much misinformation, toxicity and whatnot in the air right now.

Anybody who makes black lives matter (the slogan, not the organisation) an anti-white thing is as dense and ignorant as it comes.

Seems like a lot of far left nutjobs are trying to make this as much of a ‘self hate’ thing as they possibly can by one upping each other with new stupid ideas to promote the idea that white is evil instead of focusing on the real issues at hand and trying to work towards a solution to an equal education, job sector, access to facilities and all of the other stuff I’m sure I’ve covered in this thread.


You hit the nail on head with that.

It’s not even about capitalism at this point. This is an attack on the individual and how they function in society; I mean come on ‘being polite’ is white culture :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s frustrating because I think this had potential to be a real watershed moment in creating a proper modern day civil rights movement but it’s just been hijacked by hippies, far lefties and then undermined by nut jobs on the far right.

It’s basically become a farce focused on symbols and ignoring the real wider socio-economic issues and cultural problems that have compounded the black communities for generations.


It wont be hijacked. It was a genuine feeling of discontent and nobody is looking to buy into this jargon. Black as well as white people in general are not getting on board with that. A few agenda driven anti BLM people just trying too stir the pot here.
The issue is to big and personal now and especially among young people too be sidetracked by stuff like this.
Some might think there throwing grenades but its basically a firework. Make no mistake things are happening.

The debate is overly polarised by now, at least on social media platforms. To much wrong information and hidden agendas. Extremists doing their best to spread and misguide. Needless to say the most extreme get the most attention, which leaves the core of the matter hard to discuss. Mission accomplished by ‘whataboutism’ debaters I would say.
I hope things will happen and things will change to the better, but right now the mud-slinging is destroying the subject. Do mistreated black people really care about political colour, gender, ethnicity, shoe size and what fraternity he/she was a member of 40 years ago? When tackling the main issue? I rather doubt it.

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It always states with good intentions bring in the general populous, but like with most of these movements the true nature rears it’s head after awhile. I have no idea why the black history museum posted that which makes a society successful is “white”. Therefore echoing what white supremist think which is ironic in itself

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Movements like BLM polarise and exclude people. Lots of the things that these types of movements try to promote just ends up causing more problems and not resolving any actual real issues, stuff like quotas, calling people “subconsciously racially bias” or whatever, making everyone outside of our group feel like a racist, demanding more representation in bullshit stuff like tv etc… I’ve been watching the debates and it’s full of middle class champagne socialist type black people, white apologists with an Indian or other ethnic thrown in for good measure. Majority of whom are just pushing some agenda for themselves, or in some way promoting themselves. All they ever talk about is how hard it is to be black, “their truth”, changing history books, taking down statues “institutional racism” (I put that in quotations because they never say how just throw it about) nothing that will actually help your average black or ethnic person.

If these movement swant to help the black and ethnic communities, then focus on poverty, most of the problems plaguing the black community stems from poverty, broken families etc… out of my large group of friends I was one of two people who’s mom and dad were married, I had a friend who had four brothers each from a different father, lots of girls on my estate we’re getting pregnant in their teens, at one point it became like a fashion accessory to be pushing a pram about with a baby, and it maybe anecdotal but I knew lots of girls who got pregnant for housing and child benefits and couples who would never get married or claim they were “divorced” as the benefits they received were better. There were gangs and being a drug dealer or a “Shotta” was the most glamorous thing you could do on my estate, youngsters were actively being groomed into that life style. What kind of future are those people going to have? But all of these result from poverty it’s a means to and end. I’ve never heard anyone say (and I don’t speak for all black people) “why aren’t there more blacks or Asians on east enders?” Or “we need to take down Churchill’s statue” “we need to learn more about colonialism in school”, because these are just nonsense issues thatYour average person doesn’t care about. They want to police how People think and not actually do anything tangible. If we want real change for the black and ethnic communities then that’s The kind of stuff we have to tackle.


Alot of what you’re speaking about is a class issue no? The same issues plague white/ all working class families. I completely agree with you though. What you have described is the root issue but noone who is in power wants to or will tackle.

I grew up in this scenario youve described, I was offered my first drugs when I was 8, I always said no and always avoided these older kids/men even though they used to try and intimidate me violently. I got lucky/ worked my ass off where I had to take a test to get into a secondary school out of my area and I came in the top 10 so I avoided these people after 11 but my best friend didn’t and he was a murderer 2 years later.

A bit wow thanks for your life story, but I just feel the media and posh people want to make this 100% about race so they can divide the working classes up and have then against eachother so they don’t have to fix the actual problem that they’ve caused. Instead they would rather take videos and pictures and laugh at how stupid they are.


This scenario you both describe is the same for most of us that grew up in poor areas unfortunately


:100: and that’s exactly what I was trying to say, BLM doesn’t really address these types of issues, they get hijacked by these radical losers who are just trying to get famous of the back of it paint everyone outside of it a racist even if their not their now “subconsciously racist” and cause further divisions amongst the poor. I’m not one for conspiracies but sometimes I think the powers that be must secretly be supporting these causes because it distracts everyone from the real issues and just causes more division.

I watched a debate the other day and it had Stephen Lawrences brother on, (massive respect to him, because what he went through is unimaginable) but he was going on about how we should have quotas in school, so black kids could see black teachers and head masters etc… so they could aspire to be teachers. I couldn’t help but laugh. Like black people aren’t children, we all know we can be teachers if want but that doesn’t help the kids who goes home and has to avoid gangs terrorising their neighbourhood. I’m only referencing the black ethnic neighbourhoods because this is a BLM thread, but what I’ve described and you have said effects all of the communities white/Turkish/Kurdish/Bangoli/Pakistani etc… because like you said the real issues are not race, we have laws which don’t discriminate against any ethnic group it’s one of poverty and class!


I work in a predominantly Bengali part of London and most of the teachers in the area are white. So yes, it’s class. And the important thing to note here is that it takes a lot of time for people to break from their class origins. On the whole black communities have been here in the UK for about 70 years and Bengali communities for about 30 years. It’s not very long. I’m from a white working class background and I’m the first person in my family to ever go to university and my family have probably been here in these islands for a thousand years or longer. Most white working class families will not break from their class status despite how long they have been here. You could make a case that ethnic minorities do really well considering the time spent in the UK. And of course they do because there are no laws preventing class mobility and we live in a time that has never been fairer.


Working class white males do worse in schools than any other demography so it’s no surprise there. I think that “white privilege” is not as good as we thought :man_shrugging:t5:


A post on another forum that I read that I thought was quite interesting (although I don’t agree with the bottom paragraph)

Any white person who has not had a privileged start in life must get really pissed off when some wokie says, “check your white privilege”.
There are all sorts of privilege, height, first born, socio economic, attractiveness, only child, country of birth.
The narrative is that being white is some sort of original sin for which we must atone.
Same with being male. It’s far more complicated than that.
Racism is not cured but UK has made loads of progress over recent decades. Calling out people for being white is divisive. Doesn’t help the situation at all.
I feel that most people who call out white privilege tend to be middle class white women.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cancel Culture and related issues If you have 2 hours to spare on of my favorite black thinker on slavery