Black Lives Matter Movement

Mate you don’t even know what your arguing about today.
You’ve seen this thread triggered and you’ve just wanted to wade in but got nothing to add. Maybe the comedy issue is beyond you. Not diversified enough for you to get the necessary reaction. Keep reaching though.

Who is arguing? Aren’t we all having a conversation? Or is it because I disagree with another posters position (currently comedy) then I don’t know what I am talking about.

Here is a question who decides what’s offensive?
And if it is found that comedy in general is offensive, should comedy not be allowed as it may offends someone; cause as humans we should be cognisant of other people feelings mental state and sensibilities. Or maybe you are ok if with comedy attacking people you don’t like?

Probably depends if the said group has equal opportunity to offend back.

But they did remove the scene from Peep Show?

They haven’t left the scene in and put up a warning, at least not in the articles I saw.

From the tone of your post it just seemed like you were a bit wound up due to the fact you like Peep Show and I thought it was funny how you didn’t care when it was a show you didn’t like like Little Britain but then when it affected a show you do like you come in with a long post about how it’s silly.

As I said, they removed the scene on Netflix, Channel 4 have said they haven’t.

My point really is that I didn’t actually sincerely support Little Britain getting bits removed, I just took a dig at it for being shit, and the previous convo we’ve had between the two of us (albeit brief) on the topic of censoring shows demonstrates that I don’t really believe in censoring unsavoury bits, I think some sort of message would suffice.

I point this out because you’ve basically accused me of a form of hypocrisy based on something don’t think I’ve said, hence me quoting something that shows that I kind of think the opposite in fact.

I’m not mad about that, it’s more just a right to reply thing cos I think what you said misrepresents what I’ve actually said in the topic, or at least misrepresents how I feel about the topic.

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Love it when Jakey goes into lawyer/solicitor mode lol


Ohh gotcha, I see now. Yeah that’s exactly it, I had understood it as you being hypocritical about it.

I realise now that you weren’t, sorry that I directed my ire at you in that sense then.

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These threads… In a very serious and important subject (that affects us all) you would think it’s hard to be a troll. Yet some will always persist with a opposing opinion, which is fine if that’s what you truly think. But when a opposing opinion in each and every serious discussion becomes a rule for that poster - it really stops being entertaining. It’s clear as day and just sad.


No worries at all, I know I’ve written words here so I seem mad and I can’t deny it looks that way, but I’m really not haha. All good :+1:

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I just can’t help myself, even if I’m aware of it not being the most flattering way to portray myself to everyone.

I think it’s because I make such an effort to not be like this at work and with people I actually know that it becomes almost like an outlet.

I do wish I didn’t feel so averse to the idea of therapy, I’m sure I could do with healthier coping strategies than using a forum to release my shitter instincts from the shackles every day life necessitates lol


Nah mate, don’t change. :+1:


“damn blacks” :grimacing:

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Darren Grimes is a twerp

Indeed. Only came across him recently due to him deleting thousands of tweets from his past.

Who is Darren Grimes?

Some kid who rose to fame after being prosecuted by the electoral commission for some alleged financial misconduct relating to a vote.leave in 2016.

I think he was vindicated to some extent when the electoral commission stopped their pursuit last year. Since then he’s turned into a conservative commentator in media .

I think his new platform “reasoned” has sketchy funding, but he does seems he encompass the views of alot “common good” tories in the north and midlands with socially conservative view hence his rise in mainstream media

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This guy makes a lot of sense. I’d disagree with him about a few things. First off our police budgets here are way out of whack. They over police certain areas and end up being much harsher on the ethnic communities. They’ve got too much time on their hands. For example, grabbing a black guy jaywalking, giving probable cause to then search, find a bag of weed, and throw the book at him. Whereas in a white community they will wave out the window while a white guy jaywalking in front of the police car while smoking a joint (a bit of hyperbole but u get my drift). I can walk down the street to the beach with beer, which is illegal, but the police have never said a word to me. I’ve been questioned while being with black friends tho doing the same thing. So that, blacks commit 54% of crimes thing is probably very inflated.

To me the biggest issue on why there is such a gap is the poverty levels. Since the Civil rights movement black entrepreneurs who own a business have gone from like 70% down to 7% (going off memory here so maybe not completely accurate). There are a ton of reasons and a lot of them have to do with our greedy capitalistic system. Granted all independently owned businesses are down across the board due to corporations in the pockets of politicians here. Electing ppl who will stand up to big business is the number one step to solving a lot of issues in this country but its all a circle jerk with our election process.

Serious question about BLM as an organization. Was it here or somewhere else that I read, amongst all these issues going on, Chicago had one of the deadliest weekends in 60 years, with a lot of that being black on black gun violence. A little toddler was shot and killed as he rode in the car with his mom. Teuly disgusting stuff. I hear complaints that BLM never talk about this and focus on the more rare white on black cop crime. I agree the deck is stacked against blacks and the cops are bad, but surely some consistency is needed. Is this true or not?


Obviously a far from even handed appraisal, but potentially interesting if you want to see a bit more about him

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Matches my experiences in England very closely

I think this is what’s happening.
How many classic TV shows have had something in them that could be considered racist, sexist, homophobic, etc?
I can remember in Phoenix Nights when Peter Kay would insult someone by saying to them “you girl.”
Or the torrent of abuse in Fawlty Towers when Basil would insult everyone on their sex, religion, race, colour etc, and there are loads of other examples.
Where does it stop?

This is a good point.
If you look at most successful sitcoms, the fall guy, and the person who is ridiculed the most, is invariably the straight, white male, character.
They are perceived as weak, down trodden, useless, selfish, lazy, buffoons, while everyone around them just mocks them.
I can’t remember many comedy programmes where other members of society are ridiculed so regularly in such a way.