Aston Villa

Cedric and Ainsley Niles though, that’s funny

That’s not me that voted DCL btw. Imposter.

Cedric and Ainsley are definitely clear of Cash.

Bellerin is the doubt because Cash is essentially Bellerin in his latter years.

Useless in defence, useless in attack.
Genuinely a pointless player.
I guess I’ll give Bellerin the edge because he planted some trees.

Cedric doesn’t ever play and was pointless in his Fulham loan, honestly not even sure where ainsley is even playing these days but he’s useless as well

Cash is actually decent

Ainsley’s ability to sleepwalk through a match knew no bounds. All the talent, but none of the application.

Looks to have found something at Lyon.

Oh hell naw @Midfield_Maestro we can’t have you pulling up receipts in favour of Watkins and then picking Bamford in the poll above :bergkamp2:


Wow, what do you know. I picked Watkins in that poll! Broken clock and all that.

I’m a sucker for a tall striker with a decent left foot :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Emery has signed a new contract until 2029

Well deserved

he is gonna be expensive to shift when they inevitably decide to do so.

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I read somewhere they’ve also invested in the club he owns in Spain.

They’re in it for the long run with him.

Deserved, but he’s peaked at Villa. A couple of top 4 finishes and maybe a Carabao at best in his five years.


Consecutive top 4 finishes for Villa would be incredible given the competition.

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Hard to imagine any club doing that without endless bent money.

The Don gets a new 5 year contract he deserves it. :+1:

Far from peaked if they keep qualifying for Top 4 and start winning silverware.
They’ve got rich owners and also have an equally rich history as a club.

They’ve got a decent chance at claiming Tottenham’s Big 6 spot. Same for Newcastle.

If City were to get fucked we may soon be looking at a Big 6 of Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Newcastle and Aston Villa.

Be even nicer if Chelsea can get fucked as well.

It’s a big ask to expect Villa to continuously finish above City, United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool.

Time will tell if this season is the outlier or the new normal.

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It’s the same?