Arsenal vs Everton (PL) 2-1

Arsenal vs Everton

:stadium: Emirates Stadium
:calendar: Sunday 2024-05-19T15:00:00Z
:soccer: Premier League

Who will be Premier League Champions?

  • Arsenal win the league
  • Man City win the league

0 voters

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Just get the win and set the foundations for next season. City won’t fumble from here. No emotional shit either - don’t want to see El Nenny, Nketiah, Nelson or Cedric getting minutes.


Let’s have some fun on the last day :grinning:

We’ve had a great season, hoping for a nice day in the sun with some good football on display. Send everyone home happy before it all begins again in August.

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If anyone is selling their ticket please let me know :slight_smile:

I think we’ll win but Everton are more chance of sneaking something now.

Deep down the side will be deflated as fuck after the spurs result last night, we’ve won 5 in a row and city haven’t budged.

Arsenal 2-1 Everton

City 4-0 West Ham

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Hope we get a nice day out for the fans and a celebration of the season and all its great moments

We’ll win handsomely I think.

Gonna be a bittersweet day but a reminder that we’ve been incredible this season despite the disappointment of (likely) missing out on the title. Go out on a high :arteta2:

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When all is said and done to be finishing the season on nearly 90 points and being in the title race until the final day is a sign of the monumental progress we’ve made under Arteta.

Praying for a great win, some good investment again in the summer and we go again next year all guns blazing!!


Yup. It’s really hard to get 90+ points. We hit 89, our best return in forever. Good young foundation and spine to build on. Lots to be positive about progression of our football. Test now is can you run it out again and hit 85-90 in successive seasons.


At one point I honestly thought we’d never get back to this level.


No clue why but I’ve had this game in my mind for a while.

Logic says Everton will be on the beach but I’ve had this nasty feeling that they’ll give us a tough game.

I’ve even seen a dream about this and how we eventually won it.

let’s just have some fun, go out with a bang!

I very much look forward to us dominating in the next 5+ years once City fucks off.

Just need to ensure we keep Arteta and Edu for as long as possible & we’ll be good.

Everton are dog shit at the best of times let alone away from home on the final day of the season where they’ve got nothing at stake.

I didn’t even worry about Everton during the later Wenger years lol

I mean sure, we’ve slapped them on the final day of the season before.
Logic says that shouldn’t go down any different.

Just had this feeling that it’d somehow end up a nervy game that we win near the end.

Comfortable 3-0

Everton have been a bogie team for several seasons. Just end the season on a high and a round of applause from the home fans.

Still proud of what a great team Arteta, Edu and the rest have assembled.


One of the less concerning games of the season. I doubt West Ham are going to be of any help to us, but it ain’t over ‘til it’s over. COYG! COYI!

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Maybe away from home, but I can’t remember them getting anything from us at the Emirates for ages.

@Midfield_Maestro you always bet against us, but now you think we’ll win the league? I want some of what you’re having.

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