Arsenal transfers 24/25

General Arsenal transfers thread.


I’d say priority is sorting out our defence, secondly strengthen our midfield and thirdly get them playing as a unit and with passion and belief.



If everyone is fit LB in the only spot I’d say we were actually incapable of putting a competent player in.


Is this not what this is lol?

I knew someone would point that thread out :stuck_out_tongue:

The main purpose of this thread is more focused on Arsenal’s matters really is it’s more just gauging what people would hope, like to see over the Summer, predictions made etc. Plus that thread is more general transfer gossip between all the clubs, wheres this isn’t really the aim for this thread per se.

We used to have predictions on ins and outs for our transfer activity in the past, so I brought it back :slight_smile:

It can get pretty busy in that thread over the Summer, so at least this thread will make Arsenal matters a little easier to follow in a more breakdown format.

If someone has a better name for a thread title, then feel free to suggest something else :gunnersaurus:

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I bet you knew that person would be Calum too :smile:


I was gonna say something as well but I knew Calum was coming so I held off :arteta:

I agree with him tbh. I guess you could say Arsenal transfers 2019 as the title then it would make more sense and have its own niche

Am I that predictable :bellerin:

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Needs to be a big summer or it’ll only be one season in the CL should be qualify and it’ll be another round of 16 exit as per normal if we don’t add some serious quality.


ffs no point in us doing next season with you just telling us what’s going to happen

Umtiti or bust

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Umtiti or Alaba? What if you could only choose one of the two?

A fit Alaba and Bellerin running the flanks would have Unai creaming his pants.

I like Umtiti but severely worry for his fitness. We would have an elite CB, with the price tag to boot and then when he inevitably gets a season ending injury, we’re screwed. In deficit with a guy racking up a serious injury list.

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Umtiti and Tierney is a lot better than Alaba and some other CB imo.

There is less of a premium for quality LBs right now compared to CBs.

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Taking Alaba because Umitit’s fitness issues are a genuine concern.

No point us getting a big fee CB if he’ll be injured for the vast majority of the season. Word is he needs surgery too, who knows how he comes back from that.

I guess, it’s difficult to say for certain that Carcedo can turn young CB’s into defensive gods just yet. Goes back to what I was saying in the Rob Holding thread; he could have improved if he didn’t get injured thus giving me some hope in that territory.

How much do you think Tierney is worth? ÂŁ30M-ÂŁ40M?

It’s not Rocket science though is it ? You watch us week in week out, it’s clear as day we need to add more class in several positions if we want the be relevant in the Champions League.

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Wasn’t serious mate haha

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I think he can be bought on the cheap, maybe ÂŁ30 million for sure.

Celtic are tight fuckers and they’d take the money

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It’s why I’m still on the fence about this signing (if it’s even plausible to begin with mind). It would cost us a bomb to begin with, plus the wages. Arsenal and big injuries are a sure thing too, so you know he’s picking a bad one up here.


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