Andrew Tate

Okay, yes he is a bit of a bellend if he genuinely believes that.

You just come across this?
What else do you think he is known for?
What do you know him for?

He is known for giving young men advice in a very frank manner, which some people donā€™t like.


One word labels for people are dangerous.

I know him for being a very straight talker and somebody who made Piers Morgan look like a knob.

I love how people who like Tate first claim not to like him or know who he is but say theyā€™re bemused by people who hate him and then transition into defending him :joy:

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This funnily enough is what endeared me slightly towards him. Iā€™m not a young man, but his Frank delivery was quite refreshing.

Are young people really this easy to influence? If they are, the problem is them to be honest.

Iā€™m not mad at Kim Kardashian and her family to their millions of minions. The problem is society.

He calls himself a misogynist and a sexist.

Highly doubt he is known for that.


Quite natural wouldnā€™t you say? If you like BBQ sauce and somebody absolutely hated it, wouldnā€™t you be intrigued as to why somebody has such a strong opinion on it.

Conversely if somebody thought Nuno Tavares was the second coming of R. Carlos and you thought he was a bit crap, naturally youā€™d have to be a bit more staunch in your position.

With Tate, Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t why he affects people so much. Iā€™d refer back to the Kardashiajā€™s millions upon millions love them, I find it strange but Iā€™m not going to spend energy getting mad how people idolise them.

Maybe he should release a sex tape too :slight_smile:

Not great attributes/systems of belief!

MISOGYNY! Unless it is a tape of women dominating him!

You have made this a matter of subjectivity.

I have not followed Andrew Tate or the gospel he feeds the young men but based on limited exposure, I know that

  1. He likes to tread on blatant misogyny. (something that makes me laugh tbf)
  2. Horrible take on rape.
  3. Needless attack on 19 year old kid
  4. Arrested in Romania for potential human traffiking crimes.

It isnā€™t a blind irrational hate like I have towards Rami Malek.

It is a lot of red flags. I am surprised there are posters who are defending a guy with that many red flags.

He is, his frankness is what people donā€™t like especially when it comes to talking about women.


All of this might very well be true.

My exposure to him is content encouraging people who are feeling down or suicidal to try exercise. For people to attempt to become financially independant. Heā€™s an advocate for free speech and made Piers Morgan look the cunt he is.

I genuinely donā€™t know anybody who loves this guy but people who hate his guts.

Anyway, Iā€™m going to watch Lampardā€™s burial.

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ā€œItā€™s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up bitch,ā€ he says in one video, acting out how heā€™d attack a woman if she accused him of cheating. In another, he describes throwing a womanā€™s things out of the window. In a third, he calls an ex-girlfriend who accused him of hitting her ā€“ an allegation he denies ā€“ a ā€œdumb hoeā€. (Inside the violent, misogynistic world of TikTokā€™s new star, Andrew Tate | TikTok | The Guardian)

Would you classify that as being ā€œfrankā€? Iā€™m genuinely curious on whether you think thatā€™s an acceptable way to talk about women.

Yeah lol, although I can guarantee the lines are out of context.

I mean at what point do you draw the line and say to yourself - ā€œthis is a football forum and I spend way too much time I am on here in the current affairs section defending shit people, shit policies and shit things.ā€

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Iā€™m not sure throwing someoneā€™s stuff out of a window is really relevant here. Seems a bit of an L for them to include that. Unless there is some context missing.

Relationship breakupā€™s often end with one party throwing the otherā€™s shit out of a window :slight_smile:

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I think the more troubling part is when he talks about grabbing a partner by the neck.

@mhappy Iā€™m not sure what context that would be appropriate but maybe Iā€™ve consumed too much tofu.

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