What absolute horseshit.

The derogatory term Claude used derives from when people of Asian/Oriental background used to sell fake DVD’s of films and such in the local markets, or in pubs where they would go around asking punters if they wanted to by a DVD with a satchel full of them. Not sure about the rest of the country, but in London this was rife when DVDs were popular.

No way did Claude mean it in the way described above. I’ve heard loads of Arsenal fans call Son that term, and not any other player.

They are embarrassing trying to dress it up as the above video.


So Claude gets fired, but Robbie gets a pass? Both were massive twats.

Just more publicity - the audacity to think that they needed to post a retraction jeez :rofl::rofl:

They were absolutely right to explain themselves. But then they both deliberately lie about it.

Can’t believe I’m getting sucked in haha, but what did Robbie say?

yeah, me too

He didn’t really say anything, but allowed Claude to spout shit about his comments being about Spurs releasing DVD’s, rather than an old racial slur. I’m not even from London, and I’ve heard that one about Asian people.


It’s Robbie’s platform, he’s hardly going to sack himself.

Might not be a popular opinion, but personally I don’t think anyone should get censored or “deplatformed” or whatever it’s called. I don’t think Claude is a racist at all and I don’t think he was trying to make a racist comment. Either we believe in free speech or we don’t, sure there will be that minority who are racist and talk shit, but Really why do people need to be protected from everything? Let people say whatever they want, if someone is talking crap no one will listen anyway.

For me personally, I don’t get offended when anyone makes any kind of remark against me, or my background against brown/black people, against people from the Caribbean, against religion etc… not that I condone or support racism in anyway but I kind of feel that a lot of people are just waiting to be outraged or offended. Other day I was reading something and I just couldn’t help but laugh when I was showing it to my wife some one was complaining that black players get complimented for being strong and fast and not enough for being technical, firstly I don’t think that’s true, but why is that anything to be offended about? Like really


I don’t think people should be given a platform to say racist things. That’s not really how freedom of speech should work. The idea of free speech has always been flawed because people manipulate its meaning in a way to protect the hateful things they wish to say.

Casual racism shouldn’t have a place in society let alone on a social media platform with a big following.

I respect your opinion bro, but I cannot get behind the idea that people should be allowed to say what they want because to me that’s just a blatant abuse of freedom of speech (which, let’s be honest, will clearly never exist in how some people want it to).


I understand what your saying bro and that’s a totally valid point, only problem is outside of AFTV and speaking more broadly there are all these racists on YouTube who are getting their accounts banned, and now instead of going away their all gaining traction and followers, there’s people who think that idiot from the EDL is some kind of hero because YouTube and twitter etc banned him, and it’s not because he is a racist but because he’s “telling it like it is” or “speaking the truth” and the “man” and the “globalist lefties” are trying to commit “white genocide” and their doing it by denying these types of idiots, its how we ended up with stuff like brexit and Trump, I think just let them speak. We all know all Muslims aren’t terrorists, we know that the problems in this country aren’t because of immigrants etc… anyone who’s everyone seen a Syrian camp or to been to Iraq etc… would never begrudge those poor people a place on our beautiful island.

All of the things these guys say can easily be debunked and ridiculed which I think is more effective than banning them.

Well I think a lot of people see it as fitting neatly into a lot of fairly unpleasant stereotypes or attitudes that have been propogated about black people for many years.

The idea that black people are incredibly physical specimens, or “beasts” if you will, but mentally inferior to the white man, who has a superior intellect. I think it’s these connotations that offends some people, the idea that it’s white players who are described as technically gifted, or clever, whereas the black players rarely get praised for their mental traits, but just the physical.

I believe this issue has been a topic for discussion in US sports for years, in certain circles more than others, naturally. Only in recent years have I seen people start to refer to this as being something they think exists in English football.

To be clear, I’m just explaining what I understand of the issue in case it’s of interest, I’m not necessarily advocating for any side, I don’t feel I know enough to comment decisively tbh. But I do think that’s the general logic behind people who are offended in these cases

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For me, if they had come out and owned it, and then apologised, I’d be a lot more lenient. That they both decided to lie about it, and pretend they were simply misunderstood, is the problem.

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What a knobhead, completely different(and worse) breed than the rest of them.


Yeah Lee Gunner is sub-human


Lee is a T WAT

Yeah under Emery we went on the freakishly amazing 7 game league winning streak despite not playing that well.

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AFTV did well distancing themselves from this prick.


Which one is Lee? The bald one?

That’s Lee Judges. He’s good.
This is the negative prick that is Lee Gunner.

Oh ok.

No idea who that is.

I think they’ve all given the Arsenal fanbase a bad name, mate. Claude, DT, Mo, Troopz, Ty

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