Aaron Ramsey





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Unreal strike that one

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Never get tired of watching this goal. Its like a laser beam. And to do that with his flipping weak foot too. OMG.

Absolutely stunning. Ramsey has a few lovely goals in his highlights reel.

This is one of the best goals Iā€™ve ever seen:


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This needs to be paired with the information about the amount of the goals you have witnessed in your whole life, the leagues they belonged to, the complexities involved in each of them, xG etc to determine how high of a praise this statement is

Without this, itā€™s just an insane nonsensical statement which ideally a person like you should refrain

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Damn 33 years old. I remember being in year 7 and messaging him on bebo, begging him to sign for Arsenal and not Manchester United. Glad he listened to me.

Even purchased a season ticket and watched every home game when he was sent on loan to Cardiff City along with JET. Fond memories.


His transfer was my first Arsenal transfer junk food on some random website.

Still believe his intention was always to leave so this scenario wouldā€™ve suited him

Arsenal were consistently stupid when it came to giving out renewals, often handing out significant pay rises to players who were only going to depreciate in value.


Why didnā€™t he get a testimonial? :thinking: Could have doubled up as Santiā€™s last Emirates game.

I guess I donā€™t understand how the negotiations would have worked if he was offered a contract, accepted it and then it was withdrawn.

Unless heā€™s not telling the full story and there was a deadline to accept that he missed but still conveyed acceptance and assumed the club would honor it anyway?

Please see my post from 2018 for my feelings on these comments.

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best thing emery ever did




Iā€™m not sure about that tbh. I think this was a poor decision to allow him to leave.

Canā€™t believe heā€™s been picked for Wales having not played football for 6 months.


I wonder why he didnā€™t pick Alexis or RvP. :arteta4: