2020 Summer Olympics

Honestly think a horse dancing is a form of animal cruelty.
It’s not natural thing for a horse to be doing.


It’s funny you say that, there is a steroid that human beings use that was initially developed for horses. It’s called boldenone

I just googled this, the wiki page was quite something else with its formula.

You guys seen the enhanced games?

No but I’ve seen the Tour de France, where almost every rider is enhanced stimulants. :grinning:

It’s not really anything new, nearly all the sprinters in the Olympic 100m final in LA, were rumoured to have been on something but only Johnson was disqualified.


“I’ll juice to the gills and I’ll break it in six months,”

get em tiger! they should make a juicelympics, give these people a space to mess around in tbh. might be entertaining :sweat_smile:

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Well that’s what it is, thats what the enhanced games are!

Peter Thiel helped finance this where drug taking is allowed lol

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reading comprehension :facepalm: skimmed through the article on the underground, it literally says so :sweat_smile:

ok I pull up.

The exact prize pool and compensation structure will be announced in mid 2024.

gymnastics and athletics are interesting, the individual sports seem ok but I see combat sports are on their list? man idno how I feel about that :partey: we’ll see what the format and rules are I guess.

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actually now I picture a bunch of trt-vitors and übereems slugging it out, maaan idno about this :sweat_smile: