U.S. Politics

I don’t think she can go on. She looked really bad yesterday. Sanders, Biden or Kerry to replace her.

Diagnosis Luca.

Sorry, but she looked so weak and ill. Hope she is ok in the end though.

Cough cough
There’s nothing wrong with her
Cough cough
Stop being sexist, There’s nothing wrong with her.
Oh, Silly us. Did we mention she has pneumonia?



Lol pretty much the way it played out. Maybe there wouldn’t be so much fall out but they tried to hide that she had pneumonia…what a surpise they would lie about that.


I don’t think it’s anything to be worried about, but she’s a victim of her own need to be secretive. If they had come out on Friday and said she wasn’t well, this would be a complete non-story.

That it took a leaked video to force them to say anything is what will hurt her.


Am i wrong in saying there are 2 other presidential candidate apart from hillary & trump?

There’s a few more on every ballot and some ballots will have much more. Some candidates will only be on the ballot in a single state. However that works. :slight_smile:

You’re not wrong, but Jill Stein and Gary Johnson aren’t going to win jackshit. They wont even be allowed to participate in the debates.

Why can’t they make stronger case for presidency, when the entire planet can see something really wrong with the obvious choices?

She said she undersestimated pneumonia. She is looking like a liar again. This thing only plays in Trump’s hands.

But they do make a good argument. The problem is most Americans wont get to hear it.

They don’t have the funding required to run a competitive campaign. And the news networks will largely ignore them, or mock them, when they do.

Read about why they are not allowed in the debates.
what a mess!

The CPD is actually a private corporation that refuses to disclose its current funders or sponsors.
The Democratic and Republican National Committees both select its
leaders. The CPD literally excludes the 50% of voters who reject their
This two-party cartel posing as a public service “commission”
admitted in a 1987 press conference that independent candidates and
alternative political parties should be excluded from the debates, and
they create artificial barriers to exclude them.

For example, the CPD demands that candidates poll at 15% or higher to
be included in the debates. This arbitrary number was put in place the
year after third-party candidate Jesse Ventura won the governorship of
Minnesota. Ventura was included in debates when he was at 10% in the
polls, and his performance carried him to victory. To prevent a similar
upset at the national level, the CPD quickly raised the bar to the
arbitrary 15% requirement.

this is not freedom, this is not democracy.

I actually think there’s nothing wrong with expecting candidates to be polling at a certain level, in order to be included in the debates. Otherwise it’d be a massive clusterfuck.

The issue is a) how much it costs to finance your campaign in all 52 states, and b) the media influence on coverage.

Maybe it’s a bit of a chicken and egg thing, but how can these alternative candidates be expected to poll well when they are excluded from the debates and nearly all the coverage of the election?

I agree, but my point was that the problem begins a long way before the debates. Think of their exclusion as a symptom, rather than a diagnosis. It’s a reflection of the financial doping that infests to the very core of US politics.

I think both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson would poll high enough to be included in the debates if they could match the finances of the GOP and DNC.

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American politics is bought politics and the polls they take in to consideration are affiliated to the two major parties and even the CDP is a GOP run company. CBS, FOX, CNBC, MSNBC and et al are not going to poll third parties well are they. Even the question asked is put in a way that goes against lesser parties. “If you were to vote now who would you vote for?” And not “Who is the candidate you would like to see as president?” That alone would change the polling.

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Two very bad candidates. Trump trying to be moralist towards Clinton, but he isn’t better than her.

In the new South Park they refer to this election as a giant douche vs a turd sandwich - great thread title lol


There was a thread in the old forum for this but I’m not going to make a new one, just leave it here. But the murder of Terence Crutcher is so appalling. US Police have released footage of it which you can easily find on twitter if you so wish to see it.