U.S. Politics

Oh yeah I made that one, should I just make it again?

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So Hillary won the first debate.

It’s amazing how Trump despite being a compulsive liar is a valid candidate.
Still can’t process that a Presidency election has turned into a drama reality show.

Rather a corrupt politician than a clown like Trump.


If you take what the media says as gospel yes Hillary won. However a ton of other polls show Trump as the winner.

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Yes. And as always you have to research who ordered each poll and what it’s based on. In the end they’re all pretty worthless.

Can’t believe that in a country with such a massive population the election has come down to these two cunts !? As for democracy it doesn’t exist over there - the President was already selected ages ago - bitch :joy::joy::joy: !? Still better the fcker that can be controlled than the one who can’t even control his Fckn hair with L’Oreal hairspray - because he’s worth it :joy::joy::joy:

Just watched the debate.

Clinton is by far the one with sensible, workable policies. In fact some of her ideas are really good, and quite radical, not that I think she would implement much of it. And that’s really her problem - incredibly competent yes, but believable not so much.

Trump by contrast is a bumbling idiot (got so bad I had to turn the debate off, he was hurting my ears); his policies would benefit the super rich and the poor would really suffer. The idea that he will be able to bring back business from overseas is just farcical. Thing is though, I still think Trump won the debate, because all he has to do is use the buzz words Americans crave: tough, strong, law and order, and juxtapose it with the truth about how screwed the U.S is right now. He’s a brilliantly talented bully.

I also thought he had an isolationist position on overseas war, but he was banging on about destroying ISIS on the ground, so that will more bombs then.

Edit: Such a pity Bernie didn’t win. He’d fight back much better than Clinton and be able to tap into the same antiestablishmentism + with good ideas.

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Bernie lost and the saddest thing is that he was found out as a regular run of the mill politician when he kow towed to Clinton. He went on and on about antil establishment and the second he loses jumps onto the establishment bandwagon. These politicians are very good at that. Bernie even had me believing and I’m of the opinion if a politicians mouth is moving he’s lying.

Come on, he lost, so what is he to say, fuck the pair of them I’m moving to Canada?

I really don’t see much difference to that and Arsenal fans saying “now that we’re out if someone’s going to win I’d prefer it was Leicester”. Just because you’re not in it anymore doesn’t mean it’s not still important and not still happening. My personal view on voting is it’s more important to vote against what you absolutely don’t believe in than to vote for what you do believe in or what benefits you, and whatever he’s said against Clinton, I bet he’s nowhere near as against her as he is against Trump. He’s been left with a shit choice and taken the turd sandwich.


If Bernie were gonna vote he’d be voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, both who are a lot closer to him in their political views. But no he sold out and endorsed Clinton. And btw I’d disagree with you. What Bernie did is more like an Arsenal fan going out and buying a Vardy kit once Leicester has won the league and telling all his friends he’s been a Leicester supporter since he was a kid.


I think you’re judging far too harshly. What’s the point of him endorsing someone who wont stand a chance of winning. I’m sure it was painful for him to back Clinton, but when the opponent is Trump - who would be a disaster for working class people, what choice does he have? He’s opted for that which can protect the most people. That’s what a responsible person does.


Don’t think Bernie was right man either.
Any person who demonize corporations is either being pretentious or an idiot.

Same kinda guy we have in India as well. People lap it up but really is a hindrance to the system.

If Bernie came out and said don’t vote for Hilary then that would be helping trump become president

Him indorcing Hilary is helping make sure trump doesn’t become president

Not rocket science

I haven’t really being following but did Sanders endorse Hilary the once at the National Conference or has he been out campaigning for her? Appearing at rallys and what not?

I can’t blame Bernie. The best he could really hope for, once it became clear that the DNC was never going to allow him to be their candidate, was to push for more progressive legislation on the DNC platform, and in that he succeeded.

His endorsement wasn’t about being pro Clinton, or pro Democrats, it was anti-Trump. That’s not ‘selling out’.

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See this was the whole point. We are back into the slimy politics and Bernie has basically joined in on what he was preaching against the whole time. That imo is selling out. During his campaign he uncovered Hillary for the corrupt Politician she is. His supporters are so rabid because they wanted a shakeup to the system. Now he’s campaigning for the same old because Hillary is the worst example of a bought and paid for Politician.

Bernie ran as a Democrat because the system here is so corrupt that he never would have made it as close as he did running as an independent. However he was elected to the senate as an independent, he’s not even a Democrat, and that’s what attracted so many younger people to his ideas in the first place. Anyways the damage has already been done because a good amount of the Sanders supporters refuse to vote for Clinton anyhow.

Sadly, politics is always a game of the lesser of the two evils. I will make use of my absentee ballot and vote for Clinton because, imo, she is by far the lesser of the two evils. I have never voted republican, usually abstaining or voting independent when there is no good Dem candidate, but I can’t do that in this case. You couldn’t pay me enough money to vote for that misogynistic racist demon. I have no respect for him. He is a joke and will set the country back decades. Do I agree with everything that Hillary stands for, no, but then again I never agree with everything any candidate stands for. I’m so glad I no longer live there. Honestly, I have no intentions of moving back. Hell, not even sure I’d want to visit if Trump became president.

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Shits getting crazier now. Today a video of Trump admitting he sexually harasses women came out and he had to issue an apology.

Then a couple hours later wikileaks releasea excerpts of Hillary’s speeches to wall street with her saying her dream is open borders, and that politicians should have public and private policies, as well as emails with her calling Sanders supporters a bucket of idiots.

The firsy debate had better tv ratings than the super bowl. This upcoming debate on Sunday is going to be insane.

What a shitty system we’ve got here that these are our two choices.