U.S. Politics

The overly pc ones

Trump is really going too far now, isn’t he? Or maybe he is just an attention seeker.

Guy is trying to climb trump tower right now. Link here

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Assange hinting murdered DNC staffer was the source of the leaked DNC emails.


Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

There’s also questions as to Hillary’s health. regardless of what people think of Paul Watson and infowars, people need to see this. this video should also not be seen as a pro-Trump posting. it’s simply a post to show she could be very ill and not fit to be president. again, that doesn’t mean American’s should rush out and all vote Trump. in fact, do people remember the MSM frenzy regarding John Mccain’s health? it got so bad for him he was forced to open up his medical files to the MSM elite in a private session if i remember correctly…

If these people are going to be trusted with so much then i think they should introduce a compulsory health check/evaluation before being allowed to take office (in the UK as well). that includes Trump!

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I think the Trump train is starting to slow down.

He has already got his supporters sorted, and every outrageous comment he makes is just preaching to the choir, but I don’t think that is enough to win him the election.

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The funny thing is thr polls have been fluctuating with each outrageous thing each candidate does. Trump was winning in the polls when Hillary was on the hot seat for the email scandal, and then Trump went on a tirade about Russia and the media in typical shark frenzy fashion ripped him about it and the polls now favor Hillary. The media is run by big companies and their interest is getting Hillary elected so anything Trump says is scrutinized while of course Hillary is the typical pc politician. The most ironic part of all this in the past few weeks was the media going after Trump saying we wouldn’t be safe with him keeping the countries secrets safe. As if Hillary wasn’t almost prosecuted for the same thing lol.


CONFIRMED: Pollsters Loading Polls with Democrats to Give Hillary a Lead Over Trump


Jim Hoft Aug 2nd, 2016 6:12 pm 199 Comments Donald Trump shattered the previous GOP primary record by 1.4 million votes this year — and that was with 17 candidates in the race!
Hillary Clinton received 1.5 million fewer votes this year than she did in 2008 – when she lost!
Trump continues to sell out venue after venue.

Hillary can’t fill a high school gymnasium this week without hauling in high school kids to sit in the stands.

Seems legit…

Honestly you seem very influenced by the liberal right wing media. In the 60’s Republicans were the party pushing for equal rights, and when they pushed through those bills LBJ, president at the time, was quoted as saying that he’d have “niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years.” Since civil rights were a thing, open racism (the kkk had been Democrats for more than a century) had to end for Democrats so they amped up the welfare programs and rhetoric that blacks couldn’t compete with other races. Since the 60’s black business ownership has dropped massively, and reliance on government assistance has skyrocketed. In the 60’s illegitimate children made up only 11% of the black community and as of now it’s a whopping 70%. Regardless of race children raised in single family homes tend to be poorer, and thus take advantage of welfare more. Not only that but, once again regardless of race, illegitimate children make up 70% of incarcerated people here in the states.

This all makes a lot of sense because Trump has always been a democrat lol. Once again the media has had an easy time of villifying the right because as religious people known for being intollerant of gays because of their beliefs from the bible, racism had been pushed into the same category, even though black people in the states are among the most staunch christians.

Contrary to what the media would like you to believe, there are a lot of black people who support Trump. Yes he’s probably racist to a certain extent but under Obama unemployment for blacks has gone up as well as black welfare users and more people now live in poverty than ever. There’s no telling if Trump would actually improve this but he says he’d bring jobs back from overseas. Especially in communities like Detroit which are basically urban war zones because of the poverty and the poor people who relied on the auto industry who saw their jobs go to mexico and china because of shitty trade deals.

In short I don’t like either but I’m leaning Trump because the establishment stinks to high heaven and it has for a long long time.

“You put them first, and they put you last. 'Cause you’re a chump. A political chump! … Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party – you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race.” - Malcolm X said this in the 60’s. Well the rate at which blacks vote for democrats blindly has only gone up, regardless of the failed promises. It’s a vicious circle right now, and there needs to be a big shakeup imo.

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This thread is great–I know who to put on ignore.

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That’s the surreal thing about US politics. People forget it was the Democratic party who used to be the pro-slavery/racist party, and it was the Republicans who were considered the ‘leftist’ party.

The whole thing has been turned on its head.


I only recently discovered that after watching Lincoln.

That would imply there is a left party among republicans/democrats. :smile:

It’s a shame Bernie Sanders didn’t make it, as he represents the only genuine un-establishment opportunity. It would’ve been incredibly difficult for him to enact his policies, but at least they were workable in theory.

Out of curiosity how does Trump bring back jobs from overseas? Invest in new ones yes, but how do you force say Nike to manufacture its products in the U.S instead of China or Bangladesh? You’d have to get very punitive on big business to force something like that, or induce them with some massive subsidies. I don’t see Trump going all experimental on free market capitalism, do you?

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Globalisation is here to stay. I perfectly see the benefits of this, but if course innocent people are over ridden and ignored in the process. This should be the opportunity of the left to pick up on this, not market fanatics luke trump and farage.

Either way Globalisation isn’t going to disappear, whatever trump says or does.

So shit is starting to get real. There’s been a conspiracy floating around about Hillary and her health. Mainly the idea that’s she’s got Parkinson. All the “reputable” media sources have stayed away from covering it but last week she had a caughing attack and people started taking notice.

Today things got really interesting. She collapsed or something at a 9/11 memorial, and now this story just got real hot. She’s admitted she’s got pneumonia and she’s also canceled fund raising events in California. The leading cause of parkinsons patients dying is aspiration pneumonia.

I’m starting to get a bit worried here that this Trump thing is really gonna happen. …

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Yeah, watched one video and she could barely walk. Impressive.

You know it’s bad when even Trump isn’t using it to attack her, because it speaks for itself.


That is when they can barely move, talk, cough and breathe. When Parkinsons has damaged your brain so much and is at a really advanced stage as they can’t cough up the shite that gets in your airways, it causes infection, pneumonia and death.

This isn’t that, because as we can see Hillary in fighting fit shape until just now with the coughing.