
Undertaker way too high. Great servant but his impact is pretty whatever.

His criteria is too loaded making this list wonky. Is Cena above Rock because he was around longer? Even though he was getting boos for 70% of it despite being a face? Does Hogan’s lack of wrestling really outweigh literally everything else to drag him to 10th? What makes Reigns 13th? That Vince liked him? What puts Rey over Eddie Guerrero?

Those lists are impossible to write. Everybody’s criteria is different and completely subjective. Objectively, I know Bruno Sammartino is a massive part of wrestling history, but he wouldn’t make anything like the top 10 for me because I’ve never watched a single match of his.

However, Ric Flair being 24th amuses me because at some point he’ll see that and he’ll be seething about it.

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The only reason I can think of Flair being that low is they’re basing off his time in WWE, which compared to NWA/WCW, he did next to nothing with. Only held 2 world titles out of 16 in WWE.

I’m actually trying to work out the 2nd title reign, bro.

First one was that epic win at RR92…but after that?

He beat Savage sometime after Mania, then dropped it to Bret.

That’s confused me. I always thought he was champ at WM8 and they just buried his match, making Hogan and Sid headline it.

Who was champ in WM8?

Flair. Flair won it RR, dropped it to Savage at Mania. Flair won it back in August and then dropped to Bret in October

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You know they were meant to make Jake Roberts champion around then, too?

Yep, wasn’t that when Warrior held Vince ransom then Vince fired him?

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Yep lol

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What in the bizarro world is going on? It went under the radar that Punk praised AJ on Ariel but it does seem like they squashed their beef.

I honestly never thought that would happen.


I think he’s talking about your biy @DavidHillier .

Is it that thing about being in front of 600 people? Lol

Smarten me up? Who’s he talking about lol

Billy :goat:

Who? lol? I’m genuinely lost.

Hahah, Ospreay man. He calls himself Billy GOAT.

Ohhh thought you were on about Billy Gunn for a sec lol

Personally, I think it’s an unfair comment from Triple H. Tony is offering these guys ridiculous money to pretty much work part-time.

The dream of wrestling for WWE can wait. In Will’s case, I don’t think he even has that Wrestlemania dream. Dude was a TNA diehard. I think he likes working for the “alternative” company.

He’ll probably main event All In later this year at Wembley which must be pretty neat for an Englishman like him.

Worst case scenario, AEW goes under in a year or two, I reckon WWE would still be interested in him if that happens.

Ospreay has no place in WWE. The worst bit of HHH’s comment is the implication that there ever was any interest in bringing him in.