
You could probably only mean Nash in this instance.

Considering Terry’s matches were against Slaughter and Sid (that fucking finish :man_facepalming: ) in successive WMs I think you’re spot on with this.

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It’s not even worth talking about, it’s just stupid indy shit. They’re probably still trying to play the “oooooooh is it a work or a shoot?” angle. The thing is, if it’s a work, it’s shit storytelling and if it’s a shoot it’s just another pathetic bit of soap opera.



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The Slaughter feud was good for what it was. Super out of taste though for obvious reasons. @Leper is right that Flair vs Hogan should of happened at Mania 8 for the strap though

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Mabel never held the title IIRC

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Thought Nash was uninterrupted from late 94 for a year til he dropped to Bret?

Wasn’t Mabel only KOTR?

95 was a shit year on the whole. One of the worst RRs, one of the worst WMs, etc etc.

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Sid also had a go on the belt in the mid 90s. Possibly twice. Prime Roberts would certainly have been better.

I said Vince would surely have preferred it. I wouldn’t have because fuck Ric Flair.

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Yep. Held it for about a year

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Nah, get outta here with that.

Sid was electric in 97. Jake ain’t getting a pop that big for whacking Jose Lithario with a camera set at SS96.

Vader should have held the strap instead of Sid. At least once. How he was never WWE Champ was a crime


I suppose even if Vader won it at the Final Four PPV, only to drop it to Bret the next day, that coulda worked.

Would have hinged on Bret v HBK at WM actually happening though, which HBK pussied out of.

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Yeah Shawn didn’t wanna put Bret or Vader over so it kind of left Sid as the only option. Was too early to put the title on Austin at that point

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loving all the White Rabbit teases that WWE have been putting out lately, this is exactly how you get the fans excited and build up for weeks, Bray is returning at Extreme Rules :slight_smile:


It’s been really fun to follow. Apparently there’s a new guy who is in charge of long term creative who has had quite a lot of input into it, and a very encouraging start he has had :grinning:

I’ve been following on youtube and seen all the references that have been made, think it could be some kind of stable along with Bray

It’ll be Bray along with the Schism (NXT group made up of Joe Gacy and Grizzled Young Veterans) either that they’re just decoys and it’s just Bray