What was the last book you read?

Just had these three arrivè

This thread is called “what was the last book you read?” So perhaps come back in a few years, yeah? :grin:

Or not at all

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That’s probably more likely

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Now I’ve finished Wenger’s book. I’m gonna finally start this now as #fridaynightbookclub moves to book #2


Read this Murakami masterpiece. 9.5/10 recommend.


Such a good book. Took me like 3 weeks to read, it’s soooo long.

Just finished book 17 of The Dresden Files. It had been too long so I re-read the series first. It was really good.


Bleak House by Charles Dickens

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Fuck I didn’t even realise that was out?! I thought Peace Talks only came out this year so didn’t even bother checking for the next one. I’m getting stuck the fuck into that!

I’m currently reading book 1 of the Gentleman Bastards by Scott Lynch. The dialogue is very amusing with a healthy dose of cursing. Highly recommend and I’m only about halfway through so far.

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The Big If.
Life and Death of welsh boxer Johnny Owen. Died in the ring in a world title fight to Lupe Pintor.
Had a devastating effect on Pintor and Boxing in general. Was one of 3 deaths in the early 80s leading to 12 rounds over 15.
Half way through and it’s so bitter sweet a story so far.
Owen so doesn’t look like a fighter but he was and a good one at that.

It’s a very good novel! Took me about a month to finish, but every time I picked it up I got sucked into this strange world.

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Murakami is probably my favorite author. I’ve read pretty much everything that’s been translated.

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Mine too. Kafka on the shore; South of the border, west of the sun and Sputnik sweetheart are some of my favourites.

‘Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World’, ‘Wild Sheep Chase’ and ‘Dance Dance Dance’ are my favorites because they’re the first I read. But ‘The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle’ is probably his opus and is what I recommend to people who have never read him.

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Exactly the same reason why the ones I mentioned are my favourites. South of the Border, West of the Sun is my favourite. It was my second one. Kafka my first.

But, I read most of his novels by now. Really good stuff.

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‘Pimp’ by Iceberg Slim. Tells his story about how he became a pimp during depression era America. It’s an autobiography of sorts and a very good read. A window into how people were living in the inner cities and especially the black community. It’s a very graphic read and at some points it was a bit disturbing as he tried to be as honest as possible about his life with out glamourising it.

Iceberg slim had massive effect on African-American culture, and after the release of his book you started to see characters like Dolemite, and the idea of the “pimp” as ghetto hero start to gain traction, had a massive impact on hip hop, hip hop culture and many of the early rappers.

Highly recommend for anyone who is interested. Would rate it 9/10.

It’s been non-fiction reading for me these days. Just finished The Four-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. Fantastic read. Hope to get there in the near future.

Anyone read Peter Crouch’s book?

Read the first three chapters tonight and loving it lol.

When does Abbie come in it?

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