Upcoming Video Games

Fuck yes!! Can’t believe it’s taken this long

I know I slated it in an earlier post :eyes::joy: but been watching YouTube videos talking about the trilogy and it got me hyped as it looks really good tbf. We aren’t gonna get a new GTA for years probs so may aswell redo the two biggest games of my childhood on 2021 graphics and it helps I have forgotten about the missions so it kinda feels like a new game lol.

Pre-ordered and looking forward to playing it when it’s comes out on Thursday


Not gonna bother preordering it as I can’t see any advantage to doing so in the digital era, it’s not like there’s scarcity and I need worry about it selling out. So gonna wait for some critical and user reviews before buying it.

Feeling pretty excited about playing them though.


Pre ordered just means they automatically download tbf haha.

Can see what you mean tho :joy:

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Has anyone (@Calum aside) bought the definitive GTA trilogy? So far, everything I’m hearing is pretty fucking negative, sounds like a bit of a shitshow and like a pretty lazy fucking cash grab.


I’ve bought it but not played it yet. I don’t care about reviews tbh

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As long as you enjoy it who cares.

Personally, I’d prefer to get a sense of the reception before dashing 60 quid on a series of games that I’ve already played and are like 20 years old.


Three games for £55 and improved graphics is worth it specially when I can’t remember them haha

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Yeah, all I’m seeing from the gaming community this week is criticism on remakes/remasters with both GTA and Pokemon being released and both looking extremely shite and costing full price.

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Aw man, I think I’d much rather just load an emulator. R* could be doing this shit for free if they had anything left about them as a company.

One thing is for sure the price won’t be staying at £55 for long, I actually assumed at the very least it would be like 20 or 30 quid lol, fucking Rockstar are a meme.


Wish somebody would come in and satirise them

Scottish pricks

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I need to remind myself more often that it’s OK to agree to disagree


Yeah, that’s one fine lookin’ video game

Why doesn’t mine look like that?!


San Andreas is available on Game Pass so I’m downloading to see if it’s any good. I loved it first time around but I could never complete it.


If people haven’t seen it already, find a clip of the rain effects in this Remastered trilogy :joy:

I’m having fun with San Andreas I have to say. I definitely can’t see any reason why people are saying it’s unplayable. I’ve been on it most of this afternoon with no issues.

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If you get a chance or find any examples of the fuckery would you mind linking them, nothing more I love than dweeb gamers having a shit fit about a new game. Especially one that’s older than most of them. Like jesus christ how is this even a problem you could run the originals on a fucking phone with an emu. Like update the graphics textures and model packs and unjank the controls a little, the fans boys will be lining up to give you their hard money.

The fact that it’s a disaster is truly is as hilarious as it is confusing.

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Most of the moans when it comes to games these days are about drop in frame rates and shit like that?

This was literally in my Reddit feed the minute I left this board, lmafao

Like seriously, why on earth weren’t these released for free, would have been a great move for Rockstar. I still probably wouldn’t have bothered playing them but I know it would have appeased a lot of fans.

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Have you tried GTA with a covid style lockdown?

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