U.S. Politics

@Craigie type your shit already


Democracy basically doesn’t work in capitalism by those definitions then.

Once it becomes profitable to take control of politics what do you think they’re going to do?

You end up with right wing governments convincing people that trick-down economics both exists and works :upside_down_face:

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That’s why lobbying should be banned.

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Ok so I think we’re getting to the philosophical conclusion to this discussion. To answer your question, I don’t know for sure but not knowing is completely normal and good. You have to identify a problem before you can ever imagine a solution. It also requires trial and error. That’s true for almost anything and it was true for the style of capitalism we live with today. There were other iterations of it that died out.

Having said that, there are some thinkers that have pointed out Soviet Communism failed for the same reason Western Style Capitalism is failing now–they are both fundamentally materialist ideologies. People find it really difficult to grasp this concept because we’re all conditioned to accept it as the only way to understand the world, even if its outcomes are detrimental to us personally.

It’s an ideological problem before anything and explains why people will vote against their own economic interests ALL the time. Imagine the bizarre and harmful beliefs held by any religious fundamentalist or conspiracy nut…now consider their world view is not fringe but in fact quite commonplace.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s this idea that the only ‘things’ in our society are worth anything. It’s at the root of most problems in this world. It’s definitely at the root of most wars. We have the ability to feed every single person on this planet and then some, but because someone has to make money, you’ll always have “those with and those without”. Until we humans fundamentally change what we value… our values are going to be skewed against our continued survival.

The focus on growth is unsustainable. You can’t keep growing infinitely. It’s a failed measurement.


Philosophy philosophy philosophy.

Wish we could eradicate hunger by just spouting wishful philosophies.

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Pidgeon chess.


I once rinsed @Robin_L over the pigeon chess comment.
Ah nostalgia.

But no this is not pidgeon chess. For it to qualify as such, you need to know what you are talking about first.

Do you have a model which is better than democratic capitalism?

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Yes you tax corporations and billionares taxed more to provide a better standard of life for all

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That is still a democratic capitalism

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Well maybe we’re on the same page on that

What about a discusion on what services should be provided by private companies vs which ones should be provided by government?

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You’re right, we’re all morons and you have all the answers. Congrats.

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Unregulated capitalism doesn’t work. This is a really good article on the debate between the wars and different schools of thought about how to tackle capitalism. Its an interesting read and you can see the parallels from the 40s and now.

You guys get so emotional if someone even slightly questions your stances.
You guys made statement about certain aspects of capitalism as a myth. Without being emotional, I enlisted real life example disputing your statements.

I expect similar level of argument wherein if you make a statement, you back it up with some substance. Otherwise it is just wishful ramblings.

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That is such a broad question. I am sure I will make a lengthy post and you lot will find some gaps in it and be a bitch about it. Don’t see that as worth a effort, especially given my experience so far.
Even got called racist for calling out human rights issue in Middle east.

Its astonishing that you’re this arrogant and dismissive of people who are making an effort to engage with you in a discussion, you must vastly overestimate the quality of your own arguments and posts because they aren’t good enough to turn around and talk to others like this.


once you accuse me of racism and label me as right-wing, I won’t show the courtesy you deem you deserve from me.

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Anyway for people who wish to explore alternative to current capitalism, rather than grown adults rambling out needless philosophy, I introduce you to Stakeholder Capitalism which was the focus of World economic forum few days ago.

Not trying to knock anyone or anyone’s opinions but what is everyone’s fascination with socialism? It’s a failed system that hasn’t worked anywhere.

Everything we love today from our favourite sports and TV programmes down to our favourite snacks and clothing brands etc (and everything in between) … are all down to capitalism, and the monetary incentives that pushed these things into existence.

Everyone knocks the UK government and its incompetence (despite it being one of the best governments in the world) yet they would favour a system that gave this supposedly incompetent government and its useless politicians even more power! Not going to lie but I’m genuinely very confused.


I guess it’s a desire for a socialistic brand of Capitalism. The extent is probably the real debate. Does anyone here want literal Socialism, probably not.